How To Remove Water Weight From Body

Water is almost 60-70% constitute of our body. Proper amount of water in the body is very essential for the correct functioning of the body. But sometime Improper amount of water causes water weight in body. Therefore in order to lose weight rapidly one must remove unnecessary water from the body. It is not a difficult task. Some easy to use and effective home remedies are very useful for this purpose.
Home Remedies For Water Weight Lose
Following are some cheap, effective and easy to use home remedies to get rid of water weight of the body rapidly.
Green Tea
Green Tea is an excellent tonic for water weight removal. It is an anti-oxidant agent. Therefore it also helps to detoxify the internal parts of your body. Drinking two cups of green tea daily is very helpful to cure the water weight.
Its preparation is very easy and simple.
- Take a Green Tea bag.
- Put it in a glass of hot water.
- Let it steep for two minutes.
- Remove Bag.
- Green Tea is Ready.
- Its regular consumption is very effective remedy to lose water weight from body.
No one can deny the importance and benefits of carrots. You must develop a habit to use 1-2 carrots daily with your diet. Making more delicious and beneficial, sprinkle some salt and squeeze lemon juice on carrot and use it directly.
Moreover, You can drink carrot juice. Blend carrots and add some milk in it. Use it regularly. Drinking carrot juice daily without milk is also useful. It not only decreases your water weight but also increase the metabolism for better performance.
Salmon Fish
Salmon Fish is delicious in taste and healthy diet with a lot of benefits. It helps for the removal of water weight of the body. It is also essential to counter balance the side effects of lack of water. Excess water loss make your skin dull and dry. Moreover, this lack of water also creates the wrinkles on your body and face. Therefore proper use of Salmon Fish is essential to remove water weight and to maintain water level in the body.
Apple is an excellent tonic to remove water weight from the body. Its use is much simple.
Cut ripe apple into slices with skin and eat at least 1 to 2 apples regularly. Its juice is also beneficial for health. Blend some apple pieces in a juicer, extract juice and add some pepper powder to it. Drink this juice twice daily once in morning and once in evening. It will produce much effective and remarkable results.
Tomato Contains the handsome amount of calcium and Vitamin C which help to lose the water weight rapidly. Use tomatoes in salads to eat directly.
Cut tomato into slices, sprinkle salt and black pepper on it and eat it.
Juice of Fresh tomatoes is also useful. Blend 2-3 tomatoes and add water to it. Boil it for 2-3 minutes, add salt and black pepper to it.
Drink this juice regularly for better result.
Now strain the juice and squeeze the fresh lemon juice into it. This is very healthy cucumber juice. Use of this juice regularly remarkably contributes to the removal of water weight of your body.
Rose Petal
Rose is the symbol of love and care. Solution of rose petals helps to draw the unnecessary water from blood.- Take some fresh rose petals.
- Add water in a pan and add these petals into it.
- Keep pan on low fame.
- Let the petals to lose their color.
- Strain this liquid and drink a cup of this liquid every day early in morning with empty stomach.
- Do it regularly to get the better results.
Drink Water
Drinking water is on of the most effective method to remove water weight. Drink daily 8-10 Glasses of water and in summer 13-15 glasses daily to keep your body hydrated. Losing water weight may leave your body dehydrated. Therefore, it is essential to keep the body hydrated with proper amount of water. Drinking sufficient water also washes the kidneys of human body to make their performance better.