Fat problem is always discussed by almost everyone and it is related to the health hazards. No doubt, over eating is a big cause of body weight but drinking is also include to effect the body weight loss and gain. Fruit juices and vegetable juices are really a big source of body health but most of them are rich in sugar and fats. These juices add weight to your body. Therefore one must have some amazing drinks which are really helpful to reduce the body weight.
Top 10 Drinks To Lose Body Weight
Following are some such drinks which have magical effects for losing the body weight.
1. Black Coffee to Lose Body Weight
Black coffee is taken as an outstanding tonic for body weight loss. It increases the body temperature easily and boosts the metabolism. This mechanism burns the fats and calories very effectively. It will help to reduce your hunger to a normal and reasonable extent.
Having 2 cups of black coffee without adding sugar will surely reduce the excess body fat to reduce its weight.
2. Water to Lose Body Weight
Water is a natural bless. It is well known healthy drink to lose body weight. Water is necessary for life. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to flush out all the toxic elements from your body. Water is used widely for most of the ailments. It is also used to lose body fat. Fat is caused when body cells tend to accumulate water due to lack of drinking water.
Cold water with lime or honey will burn the calories and fats of the body very effectively. Hot water is also effective to use for this purpose.
3. Whey Protein to Lose Body Weight
Researches have showed that the whey protein is rich in protein and contains less amount of carbohydrates. It helps in the boosting up of metabolism of human body. Whey protein also reduces the hunger for over two hours. It is effective in reducing body weight in both gender i.e men and women.
Drink 1-2 glasses of whey protein according to the prescribed method daily. It will reduce the body weight very effectively.
4. Skimmed Milk to Lose Body Weight
This term is used for such milk which is extracted after removing all of the cream (Milk Fat) from milk. In United Kingdom, it is called "Skimmed milk" and United State says it "Skim milk". It will help to prevent the production of fats and carbohydrate in the body. Skimmed milk is an excellent drink for the person who really wants to reduce his body weight very effectively.
Skimmed milk should rich in calcium because it helps to make your bones strong. Calcium works to speed up the process of break down of body fats.
5. Yoghurt Smoothies to Lose Body Weight
Yoghurt is an ideal product which is used to burn the body fats easily. It is rich in calcium and useful to make the metabolism better in performance. It reduces the production of fats in the body.
- Take your favorite smoothie in a blender.
- Mix half cup of yoghurt in it and blend the mixture.
- Take one or two glasses of your special yoghurt smoothie in a day to reduce the body fat production.
6. Vegetable Juices to Lose Body Weight
Nature produced a lot of products which are really useful for humans. Fresh fruits and vegetables are included in these divine blessings. Eating raw vegetables which are rich in fibers are helpful to reduce the body fat production. Drinking fresh juice of these fresh vegetables is more beneficial than eating. These juices are rich in necessary nutrients and fibers.
Drink fresh vegetables juice (Fiber rich) regularly. It will reduce the body weight effectively.
7. Carnbery Juice to Lose Body Weight
Carnbery juice is one of the most popular drinks for weight reduction. The diuretic properties of carnbery juice will help to prevent the water retention in the body. One must know that water retention is a big cause of producing body fats.
You must avoid the carnbery juice available in bottle of cans because it may have some sugar of fats added in it. Always use the fresh home made carnbery juice to attain the body weight reduction very effectively.
8. Grape Juice to Lose Body Weight
Grape is a fruiting berry of the delicious woody vines. Grape juice is rich in vitamin C which helps to boost the metabolism of the body. This increased metabolism has vital role for removing the body fat very effectively. Moreover, grape juice is also a detoxifier which is healthy for liver.
Take a bunch of washed black grapes and blend them in a blender.
You can take as it or even can mix some water into it to make it dilute.
Drink one glass of grape juice daily in the morning during breakfast.
9. Coconut Water to Lose Body Weight
Coconut water is also known as energy drink. It is rich in electrolytes essential for body health. It makes the body metabolism better to lose body fats very effectively. The people suffering from stomach ulcers or other stomach problems are suggested to drink this coconut water.
Drink one or two glasses of coconut water everyday to energize the body.
It will help in boosting up the metabolism and flushing out all the toxic elements from the body.
10. Green Tea to Lose Body Weight
Green Tea is well known and widely used drink to lose body weight without having any side effects. It is loaded with metabolism booster and antioxidants.
Boil one glass of water and add one spoon of green tea into it and let it simmer for a few minutes.
Strain and drink hot once in morning and once in evening every day to lose weight.
You can have cold drink tea to enjoy the quick fat burn.