Bruxism is the condition of teeth grinding typically during sleep at night. It is necessary to stop teeth grinding to prevent its worse effects in near future. With the passage of time, this teeth grinding condition can damage your teeth to great extent. People are unaware of their teeth grinding habit because bruxism is the condition which effects people during sleep typically at night. Therefore one can hardly find this problem in himself. but your room-mates can hear you grinding teeth unconsciously during sleep.
Everyone want to get shiny strong and healthy teeth throughout the life. Though it is a little bit difficult to achieve this purpose but it can be done with a little effort and care. In the modern age, there is a trend of fast food and cold drinks. Especially young generation is in the fever of fast foods. There are several other reasons of bruxism but mental stress is at top in this regard. Researches showed that up to 70% of Bruxism is caused by mental stress. These things contain such elements which destroy the calcium of teeth and make them week. Moreover, bruxism is also responsible to make the teeth decayed.
Teeth Grinding Effects

Teeth grinding is the process of rubbing teeth and obviously it is not a good phenomenon. No one can deny the harms of teeth grinding. It effects the teeth slowly and badly. Over the time, teeth are damaged to worse extent due to teeth grinding. Following are some prominent damages of bruxism.
> Tooth Pain
> Loosing of Teeth
> Recurring Headache
> Loosing of teeth from gums
> Jaw join disorder
> Aching Jaws
> Teeth Fracture
Symptoms of Teeth Grinding

As i already said that it is difficult to find the problem of teeth grinding by self observation because it is the condition which occurs while you are sleeping but other people can judge you easily while you grind your teeth during sleep. You can ask your room-mate or loved one to tell you either bruxism occurs or not. Alternatively, there are some symptoms which indicate that you are facing the problem of Bruxism.
> Wounds Inside the Cheeks
> Tooth Pain
> Tongue Indentation
> Wear spots on teeth
> Sore Jaw
> Inflammation of Gums
> Audible teeth grinding sounding while you are sleeping
How To Stop Teeth Grinding
We have discussed about the symptoms and effects of teeth grinding. Now we should come to the actual point that how we can stop bruxism to prevent its harmful effects. You cannot stop it during your sleep because no one remains conscious while enjoying sound sleep but there are different sort of easy and useful methods to stop teeth grinding completely without any difficulty.
Avoid Chewing on Non-Foods

Some people develop the habit of unconsciously chewing some non-food things such as pencils, pen, nails, fingers etc in the situation of stress or any trouble. This is an extra task of the jaws which is also responsible of bruxism. If you have developed this habit and find it necessary to chew such things then you should chew mint or bubble instead of non-food things. It is recommended that try to eliminate this habit completely and face the stress without giving task to your jaws.
Jaw Specialized Exercises

No doubt you are moving your jaws throughout the day while eating, speaking or doing some such things. You cannot consider this good exercise for jaws because the dental specialists recommend some specific exercises for jaw's strengthen and to eliminate the effects of teeth grinding.
Use a warm wet wash cloth on jaw and perform each of the following exercise three to six times twice or thrice a day.
> Put your tongue on the roof of mouth and open and close.
> Place your thumb underneath your chin and open and close your jaw without changing the place of thumb.
> Put one of your finger inside the mouth and let your go slack.
> Place thumb and forefinger in front of chin and move your jaw out so that your thumb and finger move forward.
Reduce Stress

Stress is another major cause of bruxism and it effects badly the intensity of teeth grinding. No doubt, you will face happiness and sorrows too in your life but do not let this stress make you toothless. Always try to keep your mind relax and calm in the situation of stress and trouble.
Avoid Clenching Jaws During Daytime

Sometime you will clench your jaws unconsciously in the condition of anger or tension. In such situation you should try to avoid doing this thing. For this purpose, place the tip of your tongue in between your teeth so that you should not clench jaws due to the pain of tongue.
Mouth Guards

Dentist offers the custom mouth guard which is made after measuring your jaw by your dentist. This custom guard cannot be used by anyone else because these are exactly fit only for your mouth.
Now the market offer a large variety of mouth guards which can reduce teeth grinding to a great extent. These are non-custom guards and less comfortable as compared t custom guards because these are not exactly fit for your own jaw.
Relax Before Bed

Many of us just like to enjoy easy, comfortable and sound sleep. It is necessary to be calmed and pacified before going to bet for enjoying sound and better sleep. This thing will reduce the teeth grinding greatly. Following are some easy ways to be relaxed before going to bed.
> Read any interesting novel in bed for almost half hour. You will be ready to enjoy sound sleep.
> Take a warm wash cloth and hold it around your face with both hands for some time. It will produce the sense of relaxation and calm in your muscles.
> Turn off annoying sound and play some soothing sound to avoid irritation and get relaxed.
> Massage your muscles of neck, face and shoulders with your hand.
[Video: How To Stop Jaw Clenching]
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