Dark elbows and knees are most common among people. This is due to the excess accumulation of dead and thick skin cells in these areas. Moreover, excess sun exposure is also responsible for this problem. These body parts faces the much pressure when you put elbows on a table or sit on your knees. You will surely feel ashamed among the people if you have such dark elbows and knees. You cannot wear sleeve-less tops and mini skirts. Most of the people try different kinds of soups or creams to get rid of this problem but to no avail.
Easiest Ways to Get Rid of Dark Elbows and Knees
If you are one of those who have dark elbows and knees and really want to get rid of this problem, then continue reading because you are at right place. Some useful techniques and remedies are described here to make you free from dark elbows and knees.
1. Lemon Juice and Gram Flour Mixture

Lemon is best known anti oxidant. It has bleaching properties. It is widely used in different home remedies. Gram Flour is excellent cleaner. Its mask makes your skin glowing. Both of these agents give the really good results when used collectively.
- Take lemon juice and gram flour.
- Mix them well to make a fine paste.
- Apply and rub on dark areas of elbows and knees.
- Let it be dry.
- Rinse off.
- It will show good results in some days.
2. Baking Soda and Milk Mixture

No one can deny the importance of milk due to its magical effects on skin and health. It is full of essential nutrients and vitamins. Milk mixed with baking soda is best remedy to get rid of dark elbows and knees.
- Take some milk and baking soda.
- Mix these well to make thick paste.
- Apply it to dark elbows and knees.
- Rub in the circular motion.
- Let it dry.
- Wash with clean water.
3. Lemon and Honey

Honey is used to moisturize the skin and prevents dryness. Lemon is amazing due to its bleaching characteristics. Combination of these two things is best tool to get rid of dark elbows and knees.
- Take on tablespoon of honey.
- Take juice of one lemon.
- Mix these well.
- Apply on dark areas.
- Wait for 20 minutes.
- Wash it with clean water.
- Repeat it daily to get lighten skin.
4. Turmeric and Heavy Cream

Turmeric is the gift of nature. It is used to make the skin glowing and shiny. Turmeric mixed with heavy cream leaves the magical effects on dark elbows and knees.
- Take half cup of heavy cream from milk.
- Take half teaspoon of turmeric.
- Mix these well.
- Apply this paste on knees and elbows.
- Gently rub in circular motion.
- Wait for some time.
- Wash with clean water.
- Turmeric will leave little bit yellow color which will be removed in a day.
5. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is being used widely in many of the beauty products and different home remedies. Its use started thousands years due to its amazing effects on skin. Aloe Vera Gel is best to get rid of sunburns on face and body.
- Take a fresh aloe vera.
- Extract its gel.
- Apply this fresh natural gel on dark elbows and knees.
- Wait for almost 30 minutes.
- Wash with clean water.
- It will show good results in some days.
6. Olive Oil and Sugar

No one is unaware of benefits of olive oil. It is mostly used in a lot of home remedies due to its properties. Olive oil mixed with sugar is an excellent tonic to turn black elbows and knees into glowing areas.
- Take some olive oil and sugar.
- Mix these to make its paste.
- Apply this paste on dark areas before taking a bath.
- Wait for some minutes and then wash it off.
7. Fruits with Bleaching Properties

Fruits are not just eaten but also used fro other different purposes. Some fruits have bleaching properties like lemon, grapes, tomatoes etc. Their juice is best to make the skin glowing and lighten.
- Extract juice of any above fruit.
- Apply it to dark elbows and knees daily.
- You can use different fruit juice on different days.
8. Yogurt and Vinegar Mixture

Yogurt contains lactic acid and vinegar contains acetic acid. Both acids are best bleaching agents. Therefor their mixture will be really useful for getting lightning skin of elbows and knees.
- Take one teaspoon of yogurt and one teaspoon of vinegar.
- Mix them well.
- Apply on elbows and knees.
- Rub it in circular motion.
- Leave for 20 minutes.
- Wash off and moisturizer.
9. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice Mixture

Coconut Oil is used in most of the best home remedies which are useful for hair and skin. Lemon juice and coconut oil and combined used to get rid of dark elbows and knees.
- Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
- Take 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice.
- Mix these in small glass bowl.
- Apply this mixture on dark elbows and knees.
- Leave for 15-20 minutes.
- Use paper towel to wipe off extra lotion.
- Wash off with clean water.
- Coconut oil will make the skin smooth and hydrated.
10. Sunscreen Lotion

Sunscreen lotion is used to prevent the darkness on elbows and knees. It is also used to make the skin lighten.
- Apply sunscreen specially on dark areas before going out in summer.
- Apply it on elbows and knees after taking a bath to make these areas lighten and glowing.
11. Use of Exfoliating Brush

Exfoliating brush is also useful to attain lighten elbows and knees. Rub exfoliating brush on dark elbows and knees while taking bath. Scrub it in circular motion when the skin is moist. It will physically remove out the dead thick skin cells which are causing this darkness.
[Video: How to Make Elbows and Knees Lighten]
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