People may find it hard to get suitable trending fashion according to their personality because they do not know about the characteristics and facts of their personality. In the modern age, it is necessary to adopt fashion which will suit your personality. For instance there is a trend of sunglasses and people try to find such sunglasses which may increase the charm of their personality. Similarly there are some other things such as clothes, hair styles etc which are necessary part of your personality.
If you are in search of something good and beneficial for your personality then you are absolutely at the right place because here is a step by step guide to personality and its related fashion. You must know about your real personality by observing some prominent characteristics and properties. Once you find the true category of your personality then it will be easy to find your suitable trending fashion. Here we will discuss the types of personality and best fashion for each described personality.
Types of Personality

This universe is full of different sort of people. The Earth is divided into a large variety of segments and each segment has its own culture and tradition. Everyone is different in shape from other person. There is a big difference of habits and properties among people. It needs a deep research and study to find out the exact category of personality based on characteristics. The experts have studied and performed experiences to categorize the different personalities of the people of this universe. According to their research, there are following six types of personalities which exist in this universe.
> Dramatic Personality
> Dainty Personality
> Dignified Personality
> Sturdy Personality
> Vivacious Personality
> Demure Personality
Now it's time to find out that in which category you live. It is easy to categorize yourself and other people if you are able to observe and judge the different characteristics of people. The properties and suitable fashion for all these above mentioned categories are described in detail below.
Dramatic Personality

Dramatic men and women live in the emotional world. They react emotionally to the different events and are able to shift quickly from mood to mood. As the word indicates, these people are dramatic in nature and have the following properties.
> Bold
> Unusual
> Ready to do common and uncommon tasks
> Striking.
> Being the main part of party
> Filling someone's words with excitement
> Lifting the spirits of others
> Like to be seen and notice
> Being sexually attractive
Suitable Fabrics and Colors: Any type of fabric which is different and unusual with bold and uncommon color.
Garment Style: Different styles which are new trends in fashion.
Shoes and Handbags: Uncommon according to your dress.
Hair Style: Create their own new and different styles.
Dainty Personality

Dainty people are soft in nature with tiny and full lips. They enjoy naturally big puppy and beautiful eyes. They act like a soft gently breeze. Politeness is the necessary part of their personality.
> Delicate
> Soft
> Feminine
> Gentle
Suitable Fabrics and Colors: Delicate fabrics which are sheer, smooth, soft and flimsy (cotton, laces, silks) with pestle and light colors.
Suitable Prints: Small and delicate
Garment Style: Dresses having soft folds and flowing styles with princess darts which have baby collars and peter-pan collars
Shoes and Handbags: Simple and delicate
Hair Style: Simply designed according to their face shape.
Dignified Personality

A dignified person shows nobility, worth and self-respect. The persons with dignified personality always act politely and mind their manners in different difficult situations. It should be kept in mind that some people become dignified with passing time and growing age.
> Reserve
> Serious looking
> Conservative
> Sober
Suitable Fabrics and Colors: Delicate fabrics which are sheer, smooth, soft and flimsy (cotton, laces, silks) with pestle and light colors.
Suitable Prints: Small and delicate
Garment Style: Dresses having soft folds and flowing styles with princess darts which have baby collars and peter-pan collars
Shoes and Handbags: Simple and delicate
Hair Style: Simply designed according to their face shape.
Sturdy Personality

The people with sturdy personality looks like a strong body builder with harsh face expressions. These people are strong and healthy which show mental or emotional strength. They have similarity with an athlete in body shape and face-cut.
> Vigorous
> Athletic
> Strong
> Tom-boyish
Suitable Fabrics and Colors: Cotton or linen fabrics which are rough and stiff as denim with bold and striking colors such as red and orange.
Suitable Prints: Abstract prints which are bold and unusual.
Garment Style: Simple dresses with soft folds and no frills. Tailored style with collars.
Shoes and Handbags: Free from delicacy and softness.
Hair Style: Short hair-cut which matches their face shape.
Vivacious Personality

This term is mostly used for women who have fresh and sparkling personality. It reflects those people which are lively and happy in an attractive manner.
> Lively
> Attractive
> Sparkling
> Care Free
Suitable Fabrics and Colors: Comfortable fabrics which do not need much care with any sparkling color according to their mood.
Suitable Prints: Fresh and colorful prints with light or medium weight.
Garment Style: Casual garments which are comfortable and convenient.
Shoes and Handbags: These should be comfortable regardless included in trending fashion or not.
Hair Style: Casual and simple
Demure Personality

Some people are shy in nature. They like to be unknown in the society. They do not want to be prominent in any gathering or party. Such people avoid by attaining too much attention.
> Timid
> Quiet
> Shy
> Polite
> No demand for a lot of attention
> Not flashy or showy
Suitable Fabrics and Colors: Light soft colored cotton and silk as these are soft and light materials.
Suitable Prints: Soft and common which is not obvious.
Garment Style: Usually these are the last persons which adopt latest fashion. So, simple and very common garments are suitable for such timid people.
Shoes and Handbags: Simply designed according to their dress.
Hair Style: Much simple design that should not make them prominent.
[Video: What is Your Personality Type]
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