Yoga is the best exercise to lose weight very quickly and easily. It makes one fresh and fit. One can lose body weight effectively if he performs the yoga poses regularly in the correct form. It is not an expensive thing. You just have to give your little time daily from your routine work. Initially, one must have yoga poses under the eye of a professional trainee. Here, all of the yoga poses are taught with the help of video clips for better understanding. So, let's take a start.
Here we will discuss three types of the Yoga aasanas.- Sitting Aasanas
- Standing Aasanas
- Lying Aasanas
What do you need:
- Comfortable clothes
- Flat carpet
Sitting Aasanas
1. Cobbler Pose or Badhakonasana

- Sit on the mat with your legs stretched in front of you.
- Bend your knees such that the soles of your feet should face each other. Keep your spines erect.
- Make your feet closer to your pelvis by pushing them inwards with your hands such that the heels should touch each other.
- Hold your feet in this position and move your thighs up and down just like the wings of a bird.
- Keep moving as long as you can.
It will give strength to your spine, groin muscles, knees, and lower back and will reduce the fats from your inner thighs. It also makes the digestion system better. It helps to relive the menstrual discomfort.
Video Tutorial
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2. Half Spinal Twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana

- Sit on carpet keeping your legs straight in front of you.
- Bend your left leg and bring the left heel beside your right hip.
- Take the right leg over your left knee.
- Keep your right hand behind you and left arm on your right knee.
- Keeping this position, twist your waist shoulder and neck to the right and look over the right shoulder.
- Hold this position with gentle long breaths in and out.
- Come back to the original position by releasing your right hand first, then the waist, then chest, and lastly the neck. Sit relax and straight.
- Repeat the process on other side.
- You should avoid this pose if you have back injury.
It stimulates the digestive system. Stretches the spines, tones the thighs and abdominal muscles. It increases the capability of lungs to inhale in more oxygen.
Video Tutorial
3. Kapal Bhati Pranayam

- Sit down on the mat and bend your both knees by keeping spine erect.
- Place your palms on your knees seeing downwards.
- Exhale through your nose and pull the stomach inside.
- You will automatically inhale when losing stomach muscles.
- Now quickly exhale and contract your stomach muscles again.
- The stomach should work to take in and out the air.
- Initially, you should do that 50 times.
- Increase the number of repetitions according to your own comfort.
- If you feel some soreness around your stomach muscles then do not worry because it is normal.
- Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure, hernia or heart disease.
It increases the lungs capability. Tones your tummy and muscles.
Video Tutorial
[Also Read: How To Get Rid of Belly Fat]
Standing Aasanas
1. The Chair Pose or Utkatasana

- Stand straight on your carpet.
- Bend at knees as you are sitting on the chair (Your thighs are parallel to the floor).
- Rise your hands above the head.
- Bend your trunk slightly forward and breath.
- Keep this position as long as you can.
- Gently move back to the original (Normal) position.
- Avoid this if you have knee or back injury.
It tones the thigh muscles and buttocks. It strengths the core muscles.
Video Tutorial
2. Half Moon Pose or Ardha Chandraasana

- Stand straight with your feet together.
- Rise your hands above the head and combine both palms.
- Extend the stretch as you are trying to touch the ceiling.
- Exhale and bend slowly on your hips to the sideways,
- Do not bend forward.
- Keep your elbows together.
- You will feel a stretch from your finger tips to the thighs.
- Inhale and come to the original position slowly.
- Repeat this at other side.
- Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure, spine injury or digestive disorder.
It strengthens your core muscles and burn off the tummy fat. It also tones your inner & outer thighs and buttocks.
Video Tutorial
3. Forward Bending Pose or Uttanasana

- Stand straight on the carpet.
- Rise your hands above the head inhaling slowly.
- Bend forward slowly by pushing your buttocks back till your palm touches the floor and your forehead should touch the knees.
- Now come up to the original position slowly.
It rushes the blood to your head making your body parasympathetic which gives the sense or relaxation. It burns the abdominal fats.
Video Tutorial
4. Tree Pose or Vrksasana

- Stand straight with most of your body weight on one leg and a little weight on other.
- Now stand on one leg and pull the other leg such that its heel should touch the inner thighs of other leg.
- Rise your hands above the head making sure that fingers are pointing to the ceiling.
- Inhale and exhale slowly.
- Focus on your mind to maintain the balance.
Do this pose without holding any chair or wall for support. If you focus on the point in front of your eyes then you can feel ease in maintaining the balance.
It tones the muscles of your arms, thighs and abdomen.
Video Tutorial
Lying Aasanas
1. Bridge Pose or Setubandhasana

- Lie flat on your yoga mat.
- Bend your knees inward.
- Push your body up with the help of knees.
- While pushing body, keen neck, shoulder and head flat on the mat.
- Keep your hands on the floor.
- If you flexible body then you can combine your hands under your back.
- Avoid doing this if you have neck or back injury.
It tones the thighs and strengthens the shoulders. It improves the digestive system. It keeps the blood pressure in control.
Video Tutorial
2. Plank Pose or Kumbhakasana

- Lie Flat on your tummy.
- Push off your hands and bring the buttocks in the air such that the legs should flat in the air and neck should loose.
- Inhale and move your torso towards such that the arms become perpendicular to the floor by keeping your chest and shoulder directly over your arms.
- You will feel tightness in the stomach muscles.
- Hold this position as long as you can.
- Now exhale and slowly come down to the floor to the normal (Relax) position.
- Avoid this if you have high blood pressure or back or shoulder injury.
It tones and give strength to the arms, back, neck and shoulder muscles.