Most of the people ask question that How to increase picking power? How to increase the capability of mind to remember anything? and many more. The answer is simple that you should increase your memory and brain power. Brain is the central processing unit (CPU) of the body. All the aspects of human behavior are controlled and influenced by the activity of brain.
It is not a difficult task to improve memory. You just need to use brain into the right direction. Though there are a lot of things which are used to boost brain power but here we will discuss about some simple exercises and useful tips which are necessary and beneficial for physical and mental health. So, if you are worried of forgetting the name of your friends, relatives or colleagues then you must try the following tips and tricks to get rid of all such problems.
Mental and Physical Exercise
It is a famous proverb that "A sound body has a sound mind". Following this proverb, it is necessary to keep you body fit to get the brain power boosted. Almost everyone do some usual tasks to do physical exercise but there is no proper arrangement for the brain exercise. You can read these articles to make your body fit and shaped.
Meditation is best exercise to keep the brain calm and peaceful. Meditation means to train the mind to move from negative to positive in a state of consciousness. It will release and reduce the mental stress and depression and anxiety, Try meditation to get best results for your brain power.
[Video: How To Perform Meditation]
Linking the things and words

In our daily life, we interact with different kinds of words and sentence in different languages. We find that some word are quite similar to narrate or to write. The inter-linking and understanding such kind of words, will help to boos memory. For example if you see that one word is "either" then find the other word which may relate to it in sound. In this case, "either" and "neither" are related words. Similarly link such word by yourself. It will make the brain cells active.
Song Making

It will also help you to boost the brain power. You may find difficulty to remember the name of capitals, dates, presidents or other important scientific facts. Memorize them in the song form because songs can stick in your mind with its sequence.
Challenge your brain

with new and unusual activity. Your hobby may be easy to do because it is usual for you. Try to do something new which you do not perform before. For example if you find it easy to remember numbers and calculations then you should try with arts or photography.
Be socially active

to improve memory. You have to meet with many people daily. Be active while doing conversation with them. You alert communication will keep the brain cells alive and active.
Deal with important things

Do not waste your mind energy in the waste. Do not make your brain overloaded with garbage. Here, this philosophy "Garbage in, Garbage out" will work.
Increase visualization power

by using it on daily basis. Most of the memory is recalled by remembering the images. So, make very clear image of every moment in your mind so that it may easy for you to recall every moment without any difficulty.
Make words from characters

is famous brain exercise. If you have to remember some random names then make the sequential words each starting from the first character of that random words. It is easy to memorize "My Every Educated Mother Just served Us Noodles" instead of "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune"
[Video: Exercises to improve Brain Power]
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