Snoring is the production of unpleasant sound while breathing during enjoying a sound sleep. In some cases, snoring becomes too severe to bear. It is necessary to stop snoring to save yourself and other people from trouble. Snoring may cause trouble for your bed partner, room-mates and sometimes for the people of next room. If your snoring problem is constantly awaking your partner then it may cause some clashes in your relationship. Moreover, it doesn't leave a good impression because snoring becomes funny in some cases.
Snoring is caused due to relaxed muscles of soft palate. This relaxation partially blocks the air way due to which an irregular airflow and vibration is produced. Snoring can lead to daytime fatigue and increased health problems due to poor sleep. Anyhow if you are facing this problem you shouldn't worry because this problem is curable with some life style changes.
Common Causes of Snoring

Nothing happens without a solid reason in this universe. Although snoring has different reasons but we will describe some common and understandable reasons. Here is the brief description of such causes.
> Obstruction in the nasal passageway
> Age - With the passage of time throat muscles becomes narrower and tone decreases.
> Sleeping Posture
> Being overweight - So lose your body weight
> Disposition of jaws
> Fat around the throat
> Being out of shape
Snoring Modes

There is a variety of snoring among people. Different type of snoring is caused due to different but specific reasons. Each type of snoring shows that why you are snoring. Following are some different ways of snoring.
> Open-mouth snoring may be caused due to the problem in throat tissue.
> Closed-mouth snoring is related to the problem of tongue.
> If you snore in all sleeping positions it means your snoring is severe and need more attention.
> If you snore when you sleep on your back then it will be mild snore.
> Mild snore can be cured with little sleeping techniques.
How to Stop Snoring
After reading all of the above content now you surely want to know that how to stop snoring in an easy way. It is a famous proverb that nothing is impossible in this world. So if you think that you cannot get rid of snoring then you are wrong. I am sure that you will be really hopeful after reading the below mentioned methods. Snoring can be greatly reduced by bringing a bit change in life-style.
Lose Weight

As i already said that snoring is also produced due to thick tissue of throat. Body weight loss is the most trending topic now a day and obviously there are a lot of useful methods to reduce body weight. You can reduce weight by performing yoga, by making a best diet plan, by drinking weight-enemy drinks, by doing some exercises to reduce belly fat and chin fat or using many other ways.
Avoid Things which Make Snoring Worse

No doubt snoring is produced due to the rest of throat muscles or blockage of airway. These things happen due to some drinks or smoking. Researches have shown that smoking produces irritation and swelling in the throat muscles which make the air passage narrow. Same thing is said about alcohol that it makes the muscles relaxed which leads to the production of snoring. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid alcohol, sedatives and smoking almost two to three hours before sleep.
Make Environment Comfortable

Your bed and its surrounding's condition also influences your sleep. Surely you feel discomfort with dirty room and bed. This causes allergic condition which is also the reason of snoring. So, one must remove all the allergens such as dust, scattered goods, pet dander etc. After making the room clean and well looked you will be satisfied and comfortable mentally and as a result all the muscles will work correctly, reducing snoring.
Get Proper Exercise

I know you are not able to deny the benefits of proper exercise because all the researches showed a healthy effect of exercise to brain and body. When you perform exercise basically you are toning your arm, legs, shoulders and abs muscles. This thing also tones the muscles of throat reducing its unnecessary fat and increasing the positive activity.
Get Scheduled Sleep

Human body performs self-repairing function during sleep. Some people faces the problem of snoring due to their irregular sequence of sleeping. If you are unable to make patterned sleep due to your heavy tasks and long hours working duty then your muscles will be the victim of fatigue. In this condition when your body gets the chance of sleeping, all the muscles will be relaxed. Throat muscles get relaxed more than the normal routine which makes the snoring worse. Therefore you must make sure your sleep regular and patterned.
Anti-Snoring Exercises
We discussed about the whole body exercise in above section. Now we will talk about some specific exercises to make your throat strengthen. These specific exercises are easy to perform and not time consuming.
Get Help of Vowels

It sounds strange that how one can get help of vowels alphabets but it is the best exercise to make throat muscles strong. This exercise is simple. Say each vowel (a-e-i-o-u) loudly and clearly for almost thirty times before bed. You are not bounded to say these for thirty times in a single breath. According to your own ease, you can breathe periodically during saying this.
After the completion of exercise try to utter ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,........ ee, ee, ee, ee, ee, ..... oh, oh, oh and so on. Many of the people feel awkward and embarrassed to do it in front of partner or any other person. The easy way is that you can perform this practice while driving or doing some other tasks.
Tongue Exercise

This exercise will help to make mouth and throat muscles strong and active. You can perform this exercise anytime throughout the day without any difficulty. There are following two types of tongue exercises.
1. Place the tip of your tongue at the back of upper teeth and slide tongue backward. Repeat this exercise for almost three to four minutes each day.
2. Take your tongue out as far as you can and move it left and right to touch both the corners of lips keeping your tongue straight. Do this for fifteen seconds, take a pause and repeat. Perform this exercise few minutes several times in a day.
Jaw Exercises

1. Open your full mouth and keep it opened for ten seconds. Now close and let it rest for a few seconds and then repeat for a few minutes.
2. Open your full mouth and move the jaw to left side, hold for 30 seconds and the move to the left side and hold for 30 seconds.
[Video: How To Stop Snoring]
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