Causes of Stomach Gas
- Consumption of carbonated water like soft drink or beer.
- High and high fiber products are difficult to digest. It causes the gas buildup.
- Enough amount of air might be caught during eating the food which may cause gas.
- Undigested gas is fermented by bacteria in colon which will produce gas problem.
- Constipation is also a cause of gas.
- Certain people face the gas problem by eating simple and usual food due to the their improper digestive system.
Symptoms of Stomach Gas
Sometime this gas problem is in its severe situation. In such situation one may have the following symptoms.
- Belching
- Loss of appetite
- Jabbing pain in the chest
- Frequent gas passing
- Tightness in abdomen
- Bloatedness
Treatment of Stomach Gas Problem
There are some movements or tips which are used to cure the gas problem without having any medicine. Even treatment with medicine is also available. Following are some ways to cure the stomach gas problem.
Take a spoonful of baking soda.
Add it to one cup of hot water.
Drink it to remove stomach gas problem.
Drink lemon juice or other citric fruits.
Use of Papaya will also reduce the gas problem.
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Increase Fluid Intake
Gas problem is creates due to the undigested food particles retained in the colon. Excess amount of fluid helps to take these particles out of the system. One must drink a lot of fluid after eating high fiber food to prevent the gas problem.Kneel on Head
This action helps you to pass out the gas. Kneel on your head while keeping the buttocks in air. In this position your head should face the floor. This position allows you to pass out the gas very easily.Legs Pressing
Lie down on the floor and push your legs towards the stomach. Breath in and make a force to pass out the gas while taking the breathe out. You should make sure that the stomach is empty before performing this exercise.Use Mustard Oil
One should add mustard oil to its food. It is well known to reduce the gas problems. Mustard oil also helps to remove the gas from abdomen very easily.Avoid Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks are soft drinks, beer, beverages are a big cause of creating gas problem. These drinks accumulate gas in the abdominal area and also cause chest pain. Therefore one must reduce the consumption of such drinks.Use of Baking Soda
It is the best remedy to get rid of gas problem. If you are facing gas problem then use baking soda according to the following instructions.Take a spoonful of baking soda.
Add it to one cup of hot water.
Drink it to remove stomach gas problem.
Fruits Consumption
No doubt most of the vegetables are causing stomach gas problem. As a remedy, fruits are used to remove this effect of vegetables. If you have stomach gas problem then you should;Drink lemon juice or other citric fruits.
Use of Papaya will also reduce the gas problem.
Use of Hot Fluids
It is strange that cold drinks are causing stomach gas problem while the hot drinks are reducing this effect. Use of hot beverages like tea or coffee will help to pass out the gas from system. It will reduce gas comfort caused by the stomach gas.Comment Below To Get Solutions of Your Queries or To Give Your Valued Feedback About This Article.
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