Sunday, August 28, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

Easy Ways To Remove Facial Sun Spots


Almost every person is facing the skin problem due to excess expose to the direct sun light. Most of the people have to work in the presence of dangerous rays of sun which affect the skin badly. This produces unwanted dark and brown spots on the face which are termed as facial sun spots. Sun spots may be different in color and shape. Of course these spots are open enemy of your beauty because their presence on face prevents your facial charm and attraction at all. But now no need to worry because here we will discuss some easy and natural methods which are really effective and useful for facial sun spots.

Precaution is Better Than Cure


It is a famous proverb that "precaution is better than cure". We already discussed the causes of sun spots and now you know that excess exposure to the sun is major cause of sun spots production. After knowing this we must some cautions to prevent the sun spots production because it is better than to cure these spots later. Following are some extremely needed precautions to be strictly followed to keep yourself safe from getting sun spots on your skin.

Anti-Ultra Violet B (UVB) Coating is necessary on car's windows if you spend your most of the time in car during day time. UVB is responsible to cause sun spots and Ultra Violet A (UVA) causes sunburns on skin. The attack of Ultra Violet B (UVB) is most severe in closed car due to window glasses and internal atmosphere of car body. Therefore, it is better to have an anti-ultra violet B coating on your car's windows.

Use Sunscreen to protect your naked body parts from direct light of sun. Almost fifteen minutes before you go outside, apply sunscreen which contains SPF 15. If you have to go outside during 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM then apply sunscreen with SPF 30 because sun rays are at their peak during this time. No doubt moisturizer also protects from sunlight but it is better to use a good quality sunscreen

Say "NO" to Tanning Booths if you are using it because it emits some artificial ultraviolet rays which causes sun spots and may be skin cancer.


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Home Remedies for Sun Spots Treatment

Home remedies are the natural ways to treat any ailment. These are cheap and easy to use. Moreover these home remedies do not have any side effects at all. Sun spots are like other dark spots on face and therefore it is better to know how to get rid of dark spots on face. Following are some of the widely used home remedies to cure sun spots in  a natural way.

1. Green Tea


Almost every person is addicted to common tea. If this common tea is replaced with green tea then you will see good results on your health because green tea is included in ten amazing drinks to lose body weight. It is not just to make you slim but there are many other benefits of green tea as it is used in most of the remedies for different medical treatments. It is also useful for skin to remove the dark sun spots from your face. Just try the following simple process.

      > Take a green tea bag.
      > Dip it in the boiling water.
      > Wait until water absorbs the tea and then soak a piece of cotton in this water.
      > Rub it on all over the sun spots on your face and then wash with fresh clean water.
      > It will produce best results.

2. Aloe Vera


I guess that there is not a single person who can claim not to use Aloe Vera in any way because this herb has viral and wide use in many different remedies. Aloe Vera is the best herb for treatment of a number of medical problems. Olive gel is used to get long strong and shiny hair. It is also used for skin problems as a natural tonic. It removes the sun spots due to its healing and cooling qualities.

      > Take its ice looking pulp.
      > Use this pulp as a gel for face regularly.
      > It will lighten the sun spots and give you desired results.

3. Mixture of Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)


An apple a day, keeps doctor away. Apple is considered most healthy fruit due to its beneficial nutrients. Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are two different natural products. Both of these are widely used in many of the home remedies for a lot of medical problems. Their mixture is also a best tonic.

      > Extract lemon juice and get apple cider vinegar.
      > Mix half teaspoon of each.
      > Apply this mixture to the sun spot affected area.
      > Rub the mixture with a cotton ball.
      > Leave your face unwashed overnight because it will produce the better results.

4. Milk To Cure Sun Spots


Milk is healthy and yummy in taste. It is used to get curd, butter and many other dairy products. It has magical effects on health due to the presence of essential nutrients. It makes the bones strong. Moreover, there are many uses of milk for the treatment of skin problems. 
Milk contains Lactic acid which is best tonic to have effect on the sun spots directly to make them faded. All you need is just to apply milk on the affected parts of your skin almost for fifteen minutes daily. Then wash your face with clean fresh water.

5. Lemon Juice


Acidity is required to cure the sun spots on face. It has magical effect for skin. Applying lemon juice on face will stimulates the production and growth of new skin cells by removing old dead cells to make the skin fresh and beautiful. 

      > Apply lemon juice on spots for twenty minutes.
      > Then wash your mouth with cold water.
      > If you have dry skin, then apply good moisturizer after applying lemon juice to avoid the further dryness. Persons with oily skin should use diluted juice.

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Atta Ul Monim

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The Person behind this website is Atta-Ul-Monim, a determined professional blogger. He started blogging as an interesting hobby and extended this interest to the development of Android Games and Apps.

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