Saturday, September 10, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

How To Remove Water Weight From Body


Water is almost 60-70% constitute of our body. Proper amount of water in the body is very essential for the correct functioning of the body. But sometime Improper amount of water causes water weight in body. Therefore in order to lose weight rapidly one must remove unnecessary water from the body. It is not a difficult task. Some easy to use and effective home remedies are very useful for this purpose.

Home Remedies For Water Weight Lose

Following are some cheap, effective and easy to use home remedies to get rid of water weight of the body rapidly.

Green Tea

green tea is best to remove water weight of body
Green Tea is an excellent tonic for water weight removal. It is an anti-oxidant agent. Therefore it also helps to detoxify the internal parts of your body. Drinking two cups of green tea daily is very helpful to cure the water weight.
Its preparation is very easy and simple.
  1. Take a Green Tea bag.
  2. Put it in a glass of hot water.
  3. Let it steep for two minutes.
  4. Remove Bag.
  5. Green Tea is Ready.
  6. Its regular consumption is very effective remedy to lose water weight from body.


lose body weight

No one can deny the importance and benefits of carrots. You must develop a habit to use 1-2 carrots daily with your diet. Making more delicious and beneficial, sprinkle some salt and squeeze lemon juice on carrot and use it directly.
Moreover, You can drink carrot juice. Blend carrots and add some milk in it. Use it regularly. Drinking carrot juice daily without milk is also useful. It not only decreases your water weight but also increase the metabolism for better performance. 

Salmon Fish

remove body fats

Salmon Fish is delicious in taste and healthy diet with a lot of benefits. It helps for the removal of water weight of the body. It is also essential to counter balance the side effects of lack of water. Excess water loss make your skin dull and dry. Moreover, this lack of water also creates the wrinkles on your body and face. Therefore proper use of  Salmon Fish is essential to remove water weight and to maintain water level in the body.


how to lose body weight with fruits

Apple is an excellent tonic to remove water weight from the body. Its use is much simple.
Cut ripe apple into slices with skin and eat at least 1 to 2 apples regularly. Its juice is also beneficial for health. Blend some apple pieces in a juicer, extract juice and add some pepper powder to it. Drink this juice twice daily once in morning and once in evening. It will produce much effective and remarkable results.


how to remove body fats with vegetables

Tomato Contains the handsome amount of calcium and Vitamin C which help to lose the water weight rapidly. Use tomatoes in salads to eat directly. 
Cut tomato into slices, sprinkle salt and black pepper on it and eat it.
Juice of Fresh tomatoes is also useful. Blend 2-3 tomatoes and add water to it. Boil it for 2-3 minutes, add salt and black pepper to it. 
Drink this juice regularly for better result. 


cucumber is best to remove water weight of body

Cucumber helps to maintain the Hp level of body. It contains the high level of water. Use fresh cucumber directly with your regular food. Cucumber Juice is also healthy. Blend the cucumber in a blender with fresh mint leaves. 
Now strain the juice and squeeze the fresh lemon juice into it. This is very healthy cucumber juice. Use of this juice regularly remarkably contributes to the removal of water weight of your body. 

Rose Petal

get slim body and flat tummy
Rose is the symbol of love and care. Solution of rose petals helps to draw the unnecessary water from blood.
  1. Take some fresh rose petals.
  2. Add water in a pan and add these petals into it.
  3. Keep pan on low fame.
  4. Let the petals to lose their color.
  5. Strain this liquid and drink a cup of this liquid every day early in morning with empty stomach.
  6. Do it regularly to get the better results.

Drink Water

drink water to remove water weight

Drinking water is on of the most effective method to remove water weight. Drink daily 8-10 Glasses of water and in summer 13-15 glasses daily to keep your body hydrated. Losing water weight may leave your body dehydrated. Therefore, it is essential to keep the body hydrated with proper amount of water. Drinking sufficient water also washes the kidneys of human body to make their performance better. 
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Friday, September 09, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

How to Get Rid of Stomach Gas Very Easily


Stomach gas is the most common and major problem among the people of almost all ages. It creates a situation of discomfort in the internal body system. You may feel awkward and face trouble when you are sitting in the decent meeting with your gas problem. This stomach gas problem is caused due to the human digestion system. Today there is the trend of consuming fast food in a large amount. It creates some disturbance in the human digestion system. There are a lot of products in the market which claim to cure the gas problem. But there are also some useful tricks and remedies which reduce and remove the gas discomfort.

Causes of Stomach Gas

  1. Consumption of carbonated water like soft drink or beer.
  2. High and high fiber products are difficult to digest. It causes the gas buildup.
  3. Enough amount of air might be caught during eating the food which may cause gas.
  4. Undigested gas is fermented by bacteria in colon which will produce gas problem.
  5. Constipation is also a cause of gas.
  6. Certain people face the gas problem by eating simple and usual food due to the their improper digestive system.

Symptoms of Stomach Gas

Sometime this gas problem is in its severe situation. In such situation one may have the following symptoms.
  1. Belching
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Jabbing pain in the chest
  4. Frequent gas passing
  5. Tightness in abdomen
  6. Bloatedness

Treatment of Stomach Gas Problem

There are some movements or tips which are used to cure the gas problem without having any medicine. Even treatment with medicine is also available. Following are some ways to cure the stomach gas problem.

Increase Fluid Intake

Gas problem is creates due to the undigested food particles retained in the colon. Excess amount of fluid helps to take these particles out of the system. One must drink a lot of fluid after eating high fiber food to prevent the gas problem.

Kneel on Head

This action helps you to pass out the gas. Kneel on your head while keeping the buttocks in air. In this position your head should face the floor. This position allows you to pass out the gas very easily.

Legs Pressing

Lie down on the floor and push your legs towards the stomach. Breath in and make a force to pass out the gas while taking the breathe out. You should make sure that the stomach is empty before performing this exercise.

Use Mustard Oil

One should add mustard oil to its food. It is well known to reduce the gas problems. Mustard oil also helps to remove the gas from abdomen very easily.

Avoid Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks are soft drinks, beer, beverages are a big cause of creating gas problem. These drinks accumulate gas in the abdominal area and also cause chest pain. Therefore one must reduce the consumption of such drinks.

Use of Baking Soda

It is the best remedy to get rid of gas problem. If you are facing gas problem then use baking soda according to the following instructions.
Take a spoonful of baking soda.
Add it to one cup of hot water.
Drink it to remove stomach gas problem.

Fruits Consumption

No doubt most of the vegetables are causing stomach gas problem. As a remedy, fruits are used to remove this effect of vegetables. If you have stomach gas problem then you should;
Drink lemon juice or other citric fruits.
Use of Papaya will also reduce the gas problem.

Use of Hot Fluids

It is strange that cold drinks are causing stomach gas problem while the hot drinks are reducing this effect. Use of hot beverages like tea or coffee will help to pass out the gas from system. It will reduce gas comfort caused by the stomach gas.

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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

How To Stop Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)


Bruxism is the condition of teeth grinding typically during sleep at night. It is necessary to stop teeth grinding to prevent its worse effects in near future. With the passage of time, this teeth grinding condition can damage your teeth to  great extent. People are unaware of their teeth grinding habit because bruxism is the condition which effects people during sleep typically at night. Therefore one can hardly find this problem in himself. but your room-mates can hear you grinding teeth unconsciously during sleep.

Everyone want to get shiny strong and healthy teeth throughout the life. Though it is a little bit difficult to achieve this purpose but it can be done with a little effort and care. In the modern age, there is a trend of fast food and cold drinks. Especially young generation is in the fever of fast foods. There are several other reasons of bruxism but mental stress is at top in this regard. Researches showed that up to 70% of Bruxism is caused by mental stress. These things contain such elements which destroy the calcium of teeth and make them week. Moreover, bruxism is also responsible to make the teeth decayed.

Teeth Grinding Effects


Teeth grinding is the process of rubbing teeth and obviously it is not a good phenomenon. No one can deny the harms of teeth grinding. It effects the teeth slowly and badly. Over the time, teeth are damaged to worse extent due to teeth grinding. Following are some prominent damages of bruxism.

      > Tooth Pain
      > Loosing of Teeth
      > Recurring Headache
      > Loosing of teeth from gums
      > Jaw join disorder
      > Aching Jaws
      > Teeth Fracture

Symptoms of Teeth Grinding


As i already said that it is difficult to find the problem of teeth grinding by self observation because it is the condition which occurs while you are sleeping but other people can judge you easily while you grind your teeth during sleep. You can ask your room-mate or loved one to tell you either bruxism occurs or not. Alternatively, there are some symptoms which indicate that you are facing the problem of Bruxism.

      > Wounds Inside the Cheeks
      > Tooth Pain
      > Tongue Indentation
      > Wear spots on teeth
      > Sore Jaw
      > Inflammation of Gums
      > Audible teeth grinding sounding while you are sleeping

How To Stop Teeth Grinding

We have discussed about the symptoms and effects of teeth grinding. Now we should come to the actual point that how we can stop bruxism to prevent its harmful effects. You cannot stop it during your sleep because no one remains conscious while enjoying sound sleep but there are different sort of easy and useful methods to stop teeth grinding completely without any difficulty.

Avoid Chewing on Non-Foods


Some people develop the habit of unconsciously chewing some non-food things such as pencils, pen, nails, fingers etc in the situation of stress or any trouble. This is an extra task of the jaws which is also responsible of bruxism. If you have developed this habit and find it necessary to chew such things then you should chew mint or bubble instead of non-food things. It is recommended that try to eliminate this habit completely and face the stress without giving task to your jaws.

Jaw Specialized Exercises


No doubt you are moving your jaws throughout the day while eating, speaking or doing some such things. You cannot consider this good exercise for jaws because the dental specialists recommend some specific exercises for jaw's strengthen and to eliminate the effects of teeth grinding.
Use a warm wet wash cloth on jaw and perform each of the following exercise three to six times twice or thrice a day.

      > Put your tongue on the roof of mouth and open and close.
      > Place your thumb underneath your chin and open and close your jaw without changing the place of thumb.
      > Put one of your finger inside the mouth and let your go slack.
      > Place thumb and forefinger in front of chin and move your jaw out so that your thumb and finger move forward.

Reduce Stress


Stress is another major cause of bruxism and it effects badly the intensity of teeth grinding. No doubt, you will face happiness and sorrows too in your life but do not let this stress make you toothless. Always try to keep your mind relax and calm in the situation of stress and trouble.

Avoid Clenching Jaws During Daytime


Sometime you will clench your jaws unconsciously in the condition of anger or tension. In such situation you should try to avoid doing this thing. For this purpose, place the tip of your tongue in between your teeth so that you should not clench jaws due to the pain of tongue.

Mouth Guards


Dentist offers the custom mouth guard which is made after measuring your jaw by your dentist. This custom guard cannot be used by anyone else because these are exactly fit only for your mouth.

Now the market offer a large variety of mouth guards which can reduce teeth grinding to a great extent. These are non-custom guards and less comfortable as compared t custom guards because these are not exactly fit for your own jaw.

Relax Before Bed


Many of us just like to enjoy easy, comfortable and sound sleep. It is necessary to be calmed and pacified before going to bet for enjoying sound and better sleep. This thing will reduce the teeth grinding greatly. Following are some easy ways to be relaxed before going to bed.

      > Read any interesting novel in bed for almost half hour. You will be ready to enjoy sound sleep.
      > Take a warm wash cloth and hold it around your face with both hands for some time. It will produce the sense of relaxation and calm in your muscles.
      > Turn off annoying sound and play some soothing sound to avoid irritation and get relaxed.
      > Massage your muscles of neck, face and shoulders with your hand.

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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

How To Stop Snoring Naturally and Easily


Snoring is the production of unpleasant sound while breathing during enjoying a sound sleep. In some cases, snoring becomes too severe to bear. It is necessary to stop snoring to save yourself and other people from trouble. Snoring may cause trouble for your bed partner, room-mates and sometimes for the people of next room. If your snoring problem is constantly awaking your partner then it may cause some clashes in your relationship. Moreover, it doesn't leave a good impression because snoring becomes funny in some cases.

Snoring is caused due to relaxed muscles of soft palate. This relaxation partially blocks the air way due to which an irregular airflow and vibration is produced. Snoring can lead to daytime fatigue and increased health problems due to poor sleep. Anyhow if you are facing this problem you shouldn't worry because this problem is curable with some life style changes.

Common Causes of Snoring


Nothing happens without a solid reason in this universe. Although snoring has different reasons but we will describe some common and understandable reasons. Here is the brief description of such causes.

      > Obstruction in the nasal passageway
      > Age - With the passage of time throat muscles becomes narrower and tone decreases.
      > Sleeping Posture
      > Being overweight - So lose your body weight
      > Disposition of jaws
      > Fat around the throat
      > Being out of shape

Snoring Modes


There is a variety of snoring among people. Different type of snoring is caused due to different but specific reasons. Each type of snoring shows that why you are snoring. Following are some different ways of snoring.

      > Open-mouth snoring may be caused due to the problem in throat tissue.
      > Closed-mouth snoring is related to the problem of tongue.
      > If you snore in all sleeping positions it means your snoring is severe and need more attention.
      > If you snore when you sleep on your back then it will be mild snore.
      > Mild snore can be cured with little sleeping techniques.

How to Stop Snoring

After reading all of the above content now you surely want to know that how to stop snoring in an easy way. It is a famous proverb that nothing is impossible in this world. So if you think that you cannot get rid of snoring then you are wrong. I am sure that you will be really hopeful after reading the below mentioned methods. Snoring can be greatly reduced by bringing a bit change in life-style.

Lose Weight


As i already said that snoring is also produced due to thick tissue of throat. Body weight loss is the most trending topic now a day and obviously there are a lot of useful methods to reduce body weight. You can reduce weight by performing yoga, by making a best diet plan, by drinking weight-enemy drinks, by doing some exercises to reduce belly fat and chin fat or using many other ways.

Avoid Things which Make Snoring Worse


No doubt snoring is produced due to the rest of throat muscles or blockage of airway. These things happen due to some drinks or smoking. Researches have shown that smoking produces irritation and swelling in the throat muscles which make the air passage narrow. Same thing is said about alcohol that it makes the muscles relaxed which leads to the production of snoring. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid alcohol, sedatives and smoking almost two to three hours before sleep.

Make Environment Comfortable


Your bed and its surrounding's condition also influences your sleep. Surely you feel discomfort with dirty room and bed. This causes allergic condition which is also the reason of snoring. So, one must remove all the allergens such as dust, scattered goods, pet dander etc. After making the room clean and well looked you will be satisfied and comfortable mentally and as a result all the muscles will work correctly, reducing snoring.

Get Proper Exercise


I know you are not able to deny the benefits of proper exercise because all the researches showed a healthy effect of exercise to brain and body. When you perform exercise basically you are toning your arm, legs, shoulders and abs muscles. This thing also tones the muscles of throat reducing its unnecessary fat and increasing the positive activity.

Get Scheduled Sleep


Human body performs self-repairing function during sleep. Some people faces the problem of snoring due to their irregular sequence of sleeping. If you are unable to make patterned sleep due to your heavy tasks and long hours working duty then your muscles will be the victim of fatigue. In this condition when your body gets the chance of sleeping, all the muscles will be relaxed. Throat muscles get relaxed more than the normal routine which makes the snoring worse. Therefore you must make sure your sleep regular and patterned.

Anti-Snoring Exercises

We discussed about the whole body exercise in above section. Now we will talk about some specific exercises to make your throat strengthen. These specific exercises are easy to perform and not time consuming.

Get Help of Vowels


It sounds strange that how one can get help of vowels alphabets but it is the best exercise to make throat muscles strong. This exercise is simple. Say each vowel (a-e-i-o-u) loudly and clearly for almost thirty times before bed. You are not bounded to say these for thirty times in a single breath. According to your own ease, you can breathe periodically during saying this.
After the completion of exercise try to utter ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,........ ee, ee, ee, ee, ee, ..... oh, oh, oh and so on. Many of the people feel awkward and embarrassed to do it in front of partner or any other person. The easy way is that you can perform this practice while driving or doing some other tasks.

Tongue Exercise


This exercise will help to make mouth and throat muscles strong and active. You can perform this exercise anytime throughout the day without any difficulty. There are following two types of tongue exercises.

1. Place the tip of your tongue at the back of upper teeth and slide tongue backward. Repeat this exercise for almost three to four minutes each day.

2. Take your tongue out as far as you can and move it left and right to touch both the corners of lips keeping your tongue straight. Do this for fifteen seconds, take a pause and repeat. Perform this exercise few minutes several times in a day.

Jaw Exercises


1. Open your full mouth and keep it opened for ten seconds. Now close and let it rest for a few seconds and then repeat for a few minutes.

2. Open your full mouth and move the jaw to left side, hold for 30 seconds and the move to the left side and hold for 30 seconds.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

Best Exercises To Remove Stomach Fat


Stomach fat or Abdominal fat may be irritating in some cases. It may cause many health problems. One may lose his/her self confidence due to this stomach fat because it is enemy of your personality. If you want to wear tight jeans as in the college days then you must remove this abdominal fat. It is not much difficult task but it needs your attention and determination. Following is the description of some reasons for abdominal fat, tips to prevent and exercises to get rid of stomach fat.

Reasons for the Stomach Fat

Nothing is without any reason. No doubt abdominal fat has some reasons behind its production. Following are the some reasons for the stomach fat.

>> Genetics: Research has proved that the fat cells which are developed in the body are caused by some genes which were transferred from your parents to you.

>> Over Eating: Some people are fond of eating. If you are one of them and eat more than the sufficient amount then surely you are going to have abdominal fat.

>> Poor Metabolism: Metabolism rate strongly effects your abdominal fat. This rate decreases with the age. With slow metabolism rate, the body store the fat cells. Fast and moderate metabolism does not allow the body to store fats in the body.

>> Stress and Diseases: Stress increase the cortisol level in the body which tends the accumulation of fats around your belly,

>> Hormonal Changes: As a woman, there is increased chances of risk to accumulate fats around the bally during her menopause.

>> Poor Sitting Posture: Lack of practice of proper sitting is also a cause of it. If you always bend on the chair while sitting then you have increased chances of stomach fat.

>> Sedentary Lifestyle: If you do not have some physical tasks and spend most of your time in front of computer or TV then you are in high risk of getting abdominal fat.

>> Sagging Muscles: Saggy muscles around the belly are cause of creating excess stomach fat.

Top Foods to Remove Belly/Abdominal Fat

Nature produced a lot of fruits and vegetables which are beneficial to human. These products or foods have magical effects on your stomach fat. Following are some foods useful for this purpose.

>> Apple: Carib-rich food. Suitable to eat three to four times in a day.

>> Watermelon: Contains 80% water and less amount of calories. Best food to get desired waist line.

>> Avocado: Contains mono unsaturated fatty acids which helps to reduce fats.

>> Beans: Improves digestion. Which means less fat.

>> Almonds: Contains fiber to make you feel full. Rich in Vitamin E.

>> Green Leafy Vegetables: Rich in fiber and help to prevent water retention in the body.

>> Cucumber: Contains higher amount of water and lesser of calories.

Exercises To Reduce Belly/Abdominal Fat

No one can deny the importance of physical exercises. These are beneficial for body and brain. In short the good health lies in the heart of exercises. Following are some exercises which can reduce your fat very effectively.

Walking to Remove Stomach Fat

Remove abdominal fat

Walking is the best exercise for beginners. Walk daily for almost 30 minutes continuously in fresh environment which has trees and plants. Take fresh air during walking. Keep smiling and be relax during walk. It will leave magical effects on your health. No doubt, walking is a bit slow exercise to reduce belly fat but it gives the whole body shape. It also makes your metabolism performance better. You will gradually see the best results on your body fitness and health. Walking also has good and healthy effects on heart because it makes the blood circulation very smooth. Long breathe in fresh air is good for lungs.

Jogging to Remove Stomach Fat

Lose body weight

No doubt walking is a good exercise for beginners for the purpose of weight loss but jogging is better than walking. After being expert in fast walking art, you can switch it to jogging. Jogging has faster effects than walking. It will remove the excess body fats very easily and speedily. You must develop a habit of jogging at morning or evening for a reasonable duration. This habit will lead you to the best body weight and good health because jogging will break down all the un-necessary fat from your body especially from abdominal area.

Running to Remove Stomach Fat

Exercise to lose body weight

Running is the cardio exercise which uses the whole body muscles. Externally all of your body parts are on duty during running. Internally, it increases the heart beat rate to meet the need of blood supply to all tissues. Lungs are in working to exchange the air with environment. You can add running exercise into your daily routine tasks if you want to get rid of extra body fats. If you have developed strong habit of running for some time daily then you are going to achieve body fitness because running is the good source of burning extra fats and excess amount of calories which makes your body much fatty.

Side To Side Bending to Remove Belly/Stomach Fat

Get rid of stomach fat

>> Stand straight.
>> Move your hands upward and hold both hands with fingers.
>> Bend yourself to left side with your arm straight.
>> keep this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to Initial position.
>> Bend to the right now.
>> Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to initial position.
>> It completes one cycle.
>> Perform 8-10 cycles daily.

Crunch Exercise to Remove Belly Fat

Lose body weight

>> Lie on the floor with face straight to the ceiling.
>> Bend your knees.
>> Bring your hands behind your head.
>> Now move your head to pelvis (stomach).
>> Move your head as far as you can easily.
>> Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to the initial position.
>> Repeat this again.
>> Perform this exercise 5-10 minutes daily to remove stomach fat.
Injury may be caused by pushing your head more than sufficient extent.

Reverse Crunch Exercise to Remove Belly/Stomach Fat

How to remove belly fat

>> Lie on the floor on back.
>> Keep your hands straight on floor.
>> Look at ceiling by keeping distance between chest and chin.
>> Lift legs and bend knees to 90 degree.
>> Keep space between your knees and chest.
>> Pull knees in towards chest and hold this position for 2 seconds.
>> Pull knees out back.
>> Then again pull in towards chest.
>> Repeat this for 8-10 times.

Side Crunch Exercise to Remove Abdominal Fat

how to make abs

>> Lie down on a flat floor with legs together and bend knees.
>> Turn at your waist and bring the bent knees to the floor with legs lying on each other.
>> Keep your shoulder flat to the ground.
>> Place your hands behind or beside your head.
>> Keep the shoulder at level (Flat with ground.)
>> Bring the head to abdomen but do not bend your shoulder.
>> Do not force your head with your hands.
>> Hold this position for a moment.
>> Come back to initial position.
>> Change the direction of your legs with this bent position and repeat the process.

Twist Crunch Exercise to Remove Belly Fat

get flat stomach

>> Lie down on the floor.
>> Keep your legs together.
>> Bend your knees to bring foot towards back.
>> Place your hands beside head.
>> Bring the head to the chest and move to one side with your upper body. (Do not move the lower body)
>> Come back to the initial position.
>> Bring your head again to chest and move to the other side with upper body.
>> It completes one rotation.
>> Perform 8-10 rotations daily.

Stomach Vacuum Exercise to Remove Stomach Fat

Remove belly fat eassily

>> Stand straight.
>> Keep your hands on your hips.
>> Exhale all the air from lungs.
>> Expand the chest.
>> Bring your stomach inside as much as you can.
>> Hold this position for a moment.
>> Be relax.
>> Repeat this process again.
>> Perform this exercise 8-10 times daily to get rid of stomach fat.


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Monday, August 29, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

Best Home Remedies To Cure Frizzy Hair At Home


Are you Tired of Frizzy Hair??? You must be because frizzy hair are a barrier to the beautiful look. It may decrease charm and shine of your hair which doesn't allow you to get wow look. Don't worry because your search for the treatment of frizzy hair is terminated. You reached the exact place to get best remedies for Treatment of Frizzy Hair.

Reasons for Frizzy Hair

Lack of Moisture is really a remarkable reason for frizzy hair because it causes rise in cuticle of hair which makes your hair more frizzy.

Swimming in Chlorinated Water is also a big cause of it.

Wrong use of hair care products which have excess of chemicals.

Brushing is another reason to produce rise in cuticle.

Extreme Pollutes Environment.

Excess Use of Blow Dryer
 causes frizzy hair production.


Make Hair Less Frizzy

Use Bore Bristle Brush because it helps the sebum (Naturally produced oil in scalp) to spread over the hair completely. Brush from root to hair tip to spread the sebum. Sebum is naturally produced oil by your body which is most effective anti-Frizz.

Avoid blow Dryers because direct hot hair drains the moisturizer form your hair, It makes your hair dry. But if you think that you must use blow dryer then make sure that your hair are 90% dry before the usage of dryer. 

Do not Swim a lot if the pool has chlorinated water. Wash your hair with mid shampoo or conditioner which is Suitable to your hair, after swimming.

Use Glycerin shampoo which is sulfate free. It makes a protective layer over your hair to prevent the causes of frizzy hair.

Make sure to apply conditioner after shampoo at every turn. It moisturize your hair and stops the rise in cuticle amount. Try to apply only conditioner twice a week.

Make Sure Your Hair are not loosing moisture. Stop use of any product which makes your hair dry.

Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Following are some best home remedies for the treatment of frizzy hair. Choose one of them which suits you the most.

1. Breast Milk for Frizzy Hair

frizzy hair treatment

It is very uncommon remedy for frizzy hair. It is very easy for you if you are a fresh mother because you can get easily your breast milk to apply this remedy. Breast milk has ability to condition hair deeply because it has right amount of proteins and fats. It's essential vitamins help you to get rid of extreme frizzy and dry hair.


>> Breast Milk


>> Apply this milk using finger tips or spry it by using spray bottle to your hair.
>> Wait for 20-30 Minutes.
>> Wash Your head with regular shampoo.

2. Coconut Milk for Deep Conditioning

get rid of frizzy hair

Coconut oil is rich in essential nutrients. It includes the rich combination of vitamin E, C, B1, B3, B5, B6, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium etc. All these thins make it a perfect tonic for treatment of frizzy hair.


>> Coconut Oil (4 Table Spoon)
>> Lemon Juice (Few Drops)


>> Make coconut oil a bit hot and apply it to your air from root to till end. (It it is thick then add some lemon juice)
>> Wait for 20-30 Minutes or overnight.
>> Wash it with regular shampoo.
>> Repeat it twice a week.

3. Eggs for Hydration of Frizzy Hair

get long shiny hair

High class protein and essential nutrients are available in egg in rich amount. Eggs help to soften your hair and make frizzy hair straight.


>> 1 Egg
>> Olive Oil (1/4 Cup)
>> Towel
>> Mayonnaise (1/4 Cup)


>> Mix all these things well.
>> Apply this mixture to your hair.
>> Cover hair with towel and wait for 30 minutes.
>> Wash it with regular shampoo, conditioner and clean water.
>> Repeat it once or twice a week.

4. Vinegar for Frizzy Hair

make hair silky and smooth

Apple cider vinegar or vinegar both help to maintain the pH of hair to close the open shingle of cuticle. It removes all dirt and makes hair smooth & shiny without any frizz.


>> Warm Water (1-2 Cups)
>> Vinegar or Apply cider vinegar (1/2 or 1 Cup)


>> Wash your hair with regular shampoo.
>> Mix water and vinegar.
>> Apply this mixture to your hair (From scalp to till end)
>> Wait for two minutes and wash again with water.

5. Banana For Frizzy Hair

how to get rid of frizzy hair

As everyone knows that banana is a rich source of nutrients. It is capable of making your hair smooth and silky.


>> 1 Banana
>> Almond/Coconut/Olive oil (1-2 Cups)
>> Honey (2 Table Spoons)
>> Yogurt (1-2 Table Spoons)


>> Divide banana into pieces.
>> Add honey and oil of your choice into it.
>> Make its paste by blending (Do not add water. If necessary then add yogurt)
>> Make your hair wet and apply this paste to your hair completely.
>> Wrap a towel around it and wait for 30 minutes.
>> Wash it using regular shampoo.
>> Repeat it at weekly basis to get rid of frizzy hair.

6. Honey Mask for Dry Frizz Hair

frizzy hair treatment

Honey has anti oxidants to make your hair smooth and strong as well. It conditions your hair. It produces shines and silk in your hair.


>> Honey (1/4 Cup)
>> Thinner (Water OR Apple cider vinegar (8-10 Tbsp) OR Olive Oil 4-5 (Tbsp) OR Coconut Oil 4-5 (Tbsp)


>> Mix honey with thinner of your choice.
>> Apply this mixture to your Hair.
>> Wait for 20-30 Minutes.
>> Wash with regular shampoo. (You can use slightly warm water because honey may stuck into your hair)

7. Use Vitamin E Oil for Frizzy Hair

how to cure frizzy hair naturally

Vitamin E is well known to condition hair. It is a best conditioner at room temperature. Even when you mix it with other oil and warm it slightly the it can deeply condition your hair to give smooth frizz free look.


>> Olive Oil                      (6 Table Spoons)
>> Jojoba Oil                    (6 Table Spoons)
>> Coconut Oil                 (6 Table Spoons)
>> Hemp Oil                     (6 Table Spoons)
>> Vitamin E Oil              (12 Table Spoons)


>> Mix all oils in a bottle.
>> Make your hair clean and dry and then apply 2 table spoons of this mixture to your hair. (You can slightly warm these 2 tbsp oil)
>> Make sure of its proper absorption by combing through hair.
>> Wait for 30 minutes or overnight.
>> Wash with regular shampoo.

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