Surely you have a wish to look young every time. No doubt mostly people look young ever due to their habits. You may be one of them by just adopting some simple and easy habits. I am not talking about to stop the aging because it is irreversible and non-stop process. Your age is increasing day by day due to natural process. The only thing you can do is to stop or slower the marks of aging.
Looking young is your right and no one can stop you from this if you are able to adopt the specific habits to prevent your aging marks. May be there would be several things that prevent your aging process but we here we will discuss some easy and simple habits which are healthy and beneficial.
Which Habits Will Keep You Young
As I already said that you cannot stop the aging but it is in your hand to prevent aging marks to a great extent. Human life is affected greatly by several factors. For instance your life style, dies, stress, routine tasks, working schedules, sleeping routine and so on. These factors affects your life either positively on negatively. It totally depends on you because if you are utilizing your resources and time in a proper and balanced manner, you may remain young for a longer time. Following are some habits to adopt which keep you young.
Enjoy Sound Sleep

Did you ever observe that if your body is tired and unable to perform any activity well, you enjoy a sleep and after that your body gets energy and freshness. You do nothing during sleep except to allow the body get repaired by itself. In fact and in short proper sleep is the main element to keep your body perfect and flawless.
In 2010, a survey was arranged in this regard and it revealed that the people who sleep for less than six hours in a night are at more risk of getting diabetes and heart disease than other people. Moreover, if you are having poor sleep, you may get several skin problem. Therefore, always try to enjoy a sound sleep for 7-9 hours daily. You can add some comfort in your sleep by taking a bath or listening a music before going to bed.
Say No To Drinking And Smoking

Almost every cigarette pack contains this statement "Smoking can cause cancer and heart-diseases". This not just a statement, its truth and the bitter reality is that people do not avoid smoking. It is proved that smoking can cause skin cancer and make the skin more aged and dull. It also causes high blood pressure and infertility.
Similarly alcohol has the dangerous effects for health. It can cause liver diseases and many more. Researches said that excess amount of alcohol may dissolve Vitamin A and antioxidants which are responsible to produce collagen. This thing speeds up the aging process. Moreover, due to the diuretic property of alcohol, it causes dehydration that leads to the dry skin problems.
Therefore, always try to refrain from smoking and drinking. If you are highly addicted to these dangerous thing, try to get rid of these slowly by make determination and efforts.
Make Yourself Social

Today is the age of social media just like Facebook, twitter, whats-app and so on. People spend several hours using these things in a day but we cannot call them socially active. Here, the term "make yourself social" means you have to interact with different people face to face in a good and positive manner.
Therefore, make a good relation with different people of all ages. Keep yourself active while talking to other people. Take some time from your busy schedule to spend with all your family members.
A research was made in 2010 and its results were published in PLos Medicine which showed that the socially active people have 50% more chances of living good, longer and healthy as compared to others.
Proper Skin Care

It is well known that aging signs are appeared on skin because it becomes loose and full of wrinkles. Though, the skin care routine will not stop your aging process but it will prevent the signs of aging appearing on your skin.
Therefore, keep the skin properly hydrated by using good quality moisturizer to prevent it from being dry because dry skin has greater chances to get wrinkles on it.
Regular Morning Walk

I saw many types of old men and found some of them are really old apparently and some looks younger due to their activity and appearance. Their secret is that they had a proper walking routine in morning. No doubt, people do well and extensive exercise but walking has it's own magical effects on health.
Take a 30 minute walk in morning in the open green are and take long breathes to fill your lungs with fresh air. This walk will improve your immune system and help to grow new active brain cells.
Interested Hobby

Hobby is something which you do in your extra and spare time to make this time well. Hobby is the reason of your happiness because it is related to the task which you love. Everyone knows that happiness can greatly release stress making you free from hypertension. This thing can increase your healthy life span.
In Japan, a study was made by observing 2000 people of ages between 65-84 and the results showed that people with hobby are living good and happily but others have lower morality and stressed life.
Have Mediterranean Diet

As a car needs petrol to run smoothly on road, the body needs essential nutrients to work well. These nutrients and minerals decide the aging of your body and skin. During the time of your aging, it is beneficial to follow a best mediterranean diet.
This diet includes the proper amount of fruits and vegetables. These includes unsaturated fats which are healthy because these comes from olive oil. We do not recommend red meat in this diet. You can taste red wine in small proportion if you find it difficult to stop wine completely. Try to eat fish twice a week.
Keep Stress At Distance

You must be free from stress to a maximum extent. I know you are thinking that how a person can prevent stress because there are several factors in daily life which cause stress in some ways. In other words, some people say that stress is the part of life. May be they are right but it is in your control either you increase the stress or not.
Studies have shown that excess stress will cause a breakdown in collagen and damages the DNA due to which pro-inflammatory factors are produced which speeds-up the aging process. Following are some simple ways to reduce stress:
> Keep your-self busy in a hobby
> Have some good social conversation
> Take long breaths to circulate the oxygen throughout the body
> Think about some pleasant aspects of the matter
> Recall your memories which you loved
> Do Meditation
[Video: Healthy Habits That Keep You Young]
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