How to increase height naturally is a common question asked by almost every short man and woman because increased height surely makes you prominent among the many persons. It is a big part of your personality. It is said that 90% of the girls like boys with tall height. On the other side, it is also proved by research that most of the boys always prefer girls with long height. No doubt, a tall person feels comfort and confidence more than a short person. So, if you really want to increase your height then you are at exact place to find out the solution.
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Tips to Increase Height Naturally
Market provides with a lot of products which claim to increase your height very fast. No doubt, most of them are effective and show remarkable result but all of them have side effects. Here are some natural ways to increase your height. These tips or ways are really useful having a lot of positive effects. Moreover, these tips do not have any side effect.
1. Sleep Well

Body has an automatic repairing system. This repairing is done during sleep. A proper sleep is essential for better health. Researches showed that the standard sleep for normal person is 8 hours sleep in 24 hours. You must sleep with calm and peace. This will really show a good effect on your health. It will also increase your height to a proper extent without any side effect.
2. Eat Healthy

Food is essential part of life and basic need of everyone. Body needs a lot of different nutrients and elements which are necessary for better growth. This requirement of the body is fulfilled by eating different type of foods. Try to eat healthy food. Add fruits and vegetables in your daily food. Get vitamin D from dairy products and fish. Bones contain sufficient amount of calcium. Therefore it is necessary to get proper calcium so that bones may get proper growth. This will increase your height.
3. Drink Excess of Water
People drink plenty of water in summer but not in winter. It is necessary to drink minimum 8-9 glasses of water in winter as well. It makes the metabolism better. It will keep your body hydrated which is necessary for better health. As an alternate you can eat water filled fruits and vegetables such as watermelon etc.
4. Swimming
Swimming is the fight with water in which almost every body part is in motion. Muscles tries their best to swim the body. It makes the blood running very well in body. This is the best exercise which helps the most to increase height naturally.
5. Bicycling

Bicycling is the exercise which is liked by most of the people. Short people should replace their car or bike with a bicycle. It increase blood flow in the body. Body sweets to open the pores.This mechanism helps to increase height of the short people.
6. Perform Yoga

Yoga is a best form of exercise. It makes the mind peaceful by creating calm in body and brain. You may feel fresh and active throughout the day after performing yoga in morning. It is considered best to inhale the fresh air in a specific way. It helps the body to grow properly with better circulation of blood in body and mind.
7. Rope Jumping

People surely enjoy the rope jumping because it is also a source of fun. Jumping and focusing on the rotation of the rope will co relate brain and body. It helps to cause production of bone mass in the lower legs due to which body gains a few inches height.
8. Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises are best sources of warming up the body. The extensive stretch in the body will make the body flexible and blood running properly throughout the body. It will really help to increase height.
9. Hanging Exercise

We are listening it from our childhood that one should hang daily for specific time to increase the height. It is true that this exercise is really effective. Hang on a horizontal bat or or rod. Bend your legs to bring knees to the chest. Do this exercise for 10 minutes daily.
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