Nail beauty tips are often useful to get healthier and beautiful nails. It is the dream of almost every girl to attain such nails. Today is the trend of having big sharp but strong beautiful nails. You have to give special attention to your nails to beautify them. In summer, it is quite easy to keep the attractive but winter is hard to them because the coldness affects the cuticle of nails. The cold water in winter cause crack in the nails due to which most of the ladies loss their sharp nails. Therefore it is necessary to do something to save the nails from winter effects.
Cause of Nail Destruction
There are many causes which may destroy the charm and beauty of your nails. Some of the most obvious and important causes are described here. One Must avoid these reasons to keep their nails healthier and charming forever.
- Lack of Vitamin A
- Alcohol containing products.
- Destruction of cuticle.
- Stiffness or lack of flexibility.
- Low level of calcium.
- Waste products of the dirty dishes.
- Lack of moisturizer.
- Hydration level goes to the zero.
Tips to Take Care of Nails
Though there are a lot of products and remedies to keep the nails beautiful and healthier. But precautions must be taken. Following are some useful tips to keep the nails attractive.
1. Avoid Dehydration

In winter, people cannot drink enough water to maintain the required amount of water in the body. It leads to the dehydration. Nails must contain 18% of the moisturizer. Due to lack of water in body, nails lose their moisturizer and the level drops to zero level. Make sure that you drink 7-8 glasses daily in winter season.
2. Use Vitamin A Products

Green vegetables, almonds, carrots, fish, eggs, milk and butter etc are the products which are a rich source of vitamin A. This Vitamin A is necessary for better health and strength of the nails. Try to eat and drink Vitamin A rich food so that body may get the essential elements.
3. Avoid Alcohol Containing Products

Most of the nail polishes are liked due to their fragrance and shine. You must always be aware of the products which contain alcohol. The alcohol causes dehydration because it sucks the water very fast. This dehydration causes craggy nails.
4. Use Cuticle Oil

Cuticle is the major and essential part of nails. In other words, it is the protective layer for nails. The destruction in cuticle also causes destruction in nails. Therefore, you should use cuticle oil daily to keep the nails protected from being destroyed.
5. Make Nails Flexible

Nails must have some flexibility because it prevents then from being broken. In routine work, nails must feel some pressure in different places. If nails do not have any flexibility then these will brake out easily. Daily soak your hands in lukewarm water to make them flexible and with the proper moisturizer.
6. Get Calcium for Stronger Nails
Calcium is an important element for teeth, bones and nails as well. It gives them strength to make them healthier and stronger. The lack of calcium will make the nails weak and easily breakable. Therefore, make sure the use of calcium containing products for fulfill the requirements.
7. Use Gloves
Ladies have to face the task of washing dirty dishes daily. The waste product of these dirty dishes is not useful for your beautiful nails. It may destroy the nails. Therefore it is better to use gloves before washing dirty dishes so that nails should not be affected.
[Video: How to Make Nails Beautiful]
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