Saturday, August 20, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

How To Remove Fish Smell From Kitchen


Fish is delicious dish to eat but it is included in such dishes which leave an unpleasant odor in kitchen and house. It becomes necessary to remove bad fish odor from kitchen because no one can feel comfortable in such smelly environment. You enjoy the fresh pleasant smell of fish when it is being fried but after a few hours you feel that the pleasant smell is turned into unpleasant smell which is called bad fish odor.

I love to eat fish due to its delicious taste and healthy effects but my other family members do not allow to cook fish in home because it causes smelly environment throughout the home. Therefore, I found some easy and interesting methods to remove this bad fish odor from kitchen and home quickly. Now I enjoy the fish whenever I want. Surely you will be able to get rid of bad fish odor after reading this article.

Causes of Fishy Smell


Everyone knows that it is better to find the causes of any problem to solve it completely and easily. Therefore, we will discuss some reasons which produce bad fish odor in kitchen.

The animals which live in water, have excess amount of amine and amino acids to counteract the extra salt of water. When a fish dies, some bacterial enzymes start to attack on fish muscles converting its chemicals to trimethylamine which is the big source of bad fishy smell. Therefore, freshly died fish will cause less smell as compared to the others.

Useful Tips to Remove Bad Fish Odor

This is the most important and interesting part of this article because here you will find some easy and useful tips to remove out bad fishy smell. There are several methods to achieve this goal but we will discuss a few of them which are most effective and better.

Use White Vinegar


Did you ever think the benefits and uses of white vinegar?? This amazing product is used for several purposes including the removal of bad smell. White vinegar acts to absorb bad odor and spread the pleasant fragrant. Simply, take a small bowl of white vinegar and keep near the stove before baking fish. Now you can bake or fry fish without facing the trouble of bad fish odor. Leave the bowl in kitchen for several hours after you finish the cooking.

Make Environment Ventilated


Ventilation is the most necessary element to make environment comfortable and fresh. Always try to open all windows and doors of kitchen while cooking. In this way you allow fresh air to circulate inside the kitchen taking away bad smell and making the environment fresh.

If possible, turn on all fans and exhaust to get rid of bad odor fast making the air flow artificially. Alternatively you can cook things in an open area like your yard or back side of your home. Here, we cannot ignore the intensity of weather because climate changes time to time. Therefore, try to keep yourself save from cold and hot environment.

Use Air-Fresher


It is good if you have an automatic air-fresher in your kitchen which will leave some scent to remove the bad fishy smell. Otherwise spray an air-fresher manually where needed to get fresh environment instantly.

Burn Scented Candles


You can use scented candles. Personally I love to burn Diva Tyler candles because these eliminate a large amount of fresh fragrance to make the room fragrant. Moreover, peppermint and lemon flavor candles are best to mask bad odor of food cooking. It is inexpensive method to remove the bad fish odor from home.

Make an Aromatic Dish


It is not bad to bake an aromatic dish after cooking the fish because this dish will neutralize the bad odor of fishy air. Obviously you are getting double benefits by doing this method because you can make your environment fresh and later enjoy that aromatic dish.

Similarly, brewing coffee beans and making a cup of coffee is also useful method because it fills your kitchen with fresh pleasant smell.

Use Lemon Juice


Lemon is the widely used vegetable for different purposes. It is used in cooking and also for different sort of remedies. Moreover, you can use lemon juice for removing the bad fishy odor form kitchen due to its intense aromatic smell. The process is quite simple. Take some water in a pot and add a few tablespoons of lemon juice in it. Allow it to boil on a suitable temperature for half or one hour to eliminate the disgusting fishy smell completely.

Homemade Fragrant Water


Yes you can turn a water pot in the source of best and fresh source of fragrance. It's making process is easy and much simple. If you are facing the smell after cooking then try this technique to eliminate bad fish odor completely. 

Take some water in a pot and add one teaspoon of cloves, one cinnamon stick, and one teaspoon of ground ginger in it. Boil it on stove for half hour and then simmer it on low flame. Let it perform its function until all the bad fishy odor eliminates.

Throw out Fish Residues


When you prepare a fish to bake or fry, you keep the scarps of fish in dustbin of kitchen. These scarps Produce the bad fishy odor and make environment unpleasant. Moreover, when you wash your fish then some of the annoying elements are retained in draining pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to throw all the trash immediately to prevent the elimination of bad odor. You can wash drain pipe by putting half cup of baking soda with good amount of warm water in the pipe.

Use of Apple


If we see the health aspect, we know the famous proverb which says, "An apple a day, keeps doctor away". It doesn't mean that apple is only for health purposes. It is also used to prevent the bad fishy odor while you cook. Get some thinly sliced apple pieces and apply these on your fry pan for some minutes before frying the fish. This will help to absorb fishy smell without adding its taste into dish.

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Atta Ul Monim

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The Person behind this website is Atta-Ul-Monim, a determined professional blogger. He started blogging as an interesting hobby and extended this interest to the development of Android Games and Apps.

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