Saturday, August 20, 2016

Atta Ul Monim

How To Cure Split Ends Hair Problem


Double mouthed hair problem is surely not good for your hair. Precautions must be taken to prevent the production of split ended hair. Your personality is damaged for having dull and double mouthed hair. But don't worry you can find some very useful tips to get rid of such hair. Some precautions, steps and remedies are used widely for this remedy. These are easy, cheap and effective to work. 


  1. Destruction of protective layer of hair produces split ended hair.
  2. This layer is destroyed either by using some hard shampoos or excess exposure of your hair to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
  3. Bleaching the hair very fast also causes this problem because it make the hair tips week and old.
  4. Excess Use of blow dryer and streaming the hair.
  5. Too much brushing
  6. Coloring the hair
  7. Use of Heated Appliances
  8. Rubbing with a towel
  9. Rubber Bands
  10. Low-Fat Diet

Hard to Repair

It is much difficult to get rid of split ends in hair when once you have it. 100% effective method is to cut the split ends. You can prevent the coming back of such hair by cutting them every six week. It was harmful to you if you ignore the split ends because delay in their cutting will increase their production.

Best Solution

This problem is produced due to the dryness. If you maintain the moisture of the hair you can prevent this issue. Make sure that you can maintain condition of hair by using some good conditioners.

Best Products

  1. HarVoske
  2. Groei360
are the two best products for solving this problem. Click on the products name to get their review.

A Few Home Remedies

No doubt it is much difficult to cure the split end hair but there are some useful home remedies which are used to cure the double mouthed hair. These remedies are widely used for the treatment of split end hair.

Olive Oil & Honey Mixture

treatment of double mouthed hair

  1. Take egg yolk, Olive oil (2 Teaspoon) and Honey (1 Teaspoon)
  2. Mix them well.
  3. Apply this mixture to your hair ends.
  4. Wait for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash it.
  6. Repeat this process Once in a week.


get rid of split end hair

  1. Wash your hair.
  2. Take Mayonnaise.
  3. Apply it on freshly washed hair.
  4. Repeat this process daily to get desired result.

Avocado pulp and Oil Mixture

how to cure double mouthed hair

  1. Take mashed banana (Over ripe), Wheat gram oil, and Avocado pulp.
  2. Mix them well.
  3. Apply this mixture to hair.
  4. Wait for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Wash with warm water.


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      Atta Ul Monim

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