Home Remedies to Get Thicker hair
Thicker and beautiful hair are a dream of almost every girl. There are a lot of home remedies to achieve this purpose. Here, we will discuss some of them which are simple, effective, easy to use and really useful.
1. Onion Juice

Onions are a rich source of sulfur element. This element is known as an excellent element for healing the hair fall patches and growing hair thicker and stronger.
- Take a onion and cut it into two pieces.
- Rub it on your scalp well.
- Leave for few hours and then wash with regular shampoo.
- You can also use the juice extracted from onion for this purpose.
2. Green Tea

Every one is aware of green tea due to its excess use in many home remedies for different treatments. One of the benefits of green tea is that it is used to make hair thicker and longer. It causes the repair of damaged hair because it is free from redicals.
- Brew some green tea.
- Apply it on your scalp and hair.
- Wait for 20 minutes.
- Rinse off hair with some green tea.
- It will nourish the hair vary fast.
3. Coconut Oil

Hair thining is caused due to the fungal attack. Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties which is necessary to grow the hair thicker and stronger. Coconut oil is used for centuries for hair treatment and has remarkable benefits.
- Heat coconut oil.
- Massage this luke warm oil on your scalp for 15 minutes.
- Wait for 2-3 hours.
- Then wash hair with regular shampoo.
- It will stimulate the hair growth.
4. Olive Gel

No one can deny the importance of Olive vela. It is a wonderful plant with a lot of benefits for hair. It is used in many home remedies related to the hair treatments. Its radical-free property prevents any bacterial or fungal infection in hair.
- Take olive vela.
- Extract its gel.
- Apply gel to your scalp and hair.
- Leave for some time for better absorption.
- Then wash with fresh water.
Some Useful Tricks to Get Long Healthy Hair
- Eat Food which contain a lot of proteins because hair is made up of protein. Such food include sprouts, beans, nuts, wheat germ, milk products, yeast, eggs, fish, and yoghurt. Soy proteins which is found in tofu is also helpful.
- The equal amount of lime juice and fresh Amla juice used as shampoo also stimulate hair growth.
- Mustard Oil grows thick hair. It speeds up the hair growth. It makes hair strong. It is used to condition and maintain healthy hair.
- Drink plenty of water and sleep 8-9 hours a day because hair grows when a person is resting. Exercise daily. It will increase blood circulation which helps to grow thick strong hair quickly. Don't take a stress as hair grows fast when person is in less stress.
- Hot oil Massage also helps to circulate blood in scalp.
- Use coconut oil daily for 1 hour, it leaves magical effect.
- Avoid Bleaching you hair.
- If you have wavy or curly hair then use wide tooth comb. Brush carefully
- Use conditioner after shampoo.
- Avoid too much combing and brushing.
- Minimize use of blowers and straighteners.
- Do not comb in wet hair.
Preparation of Rum Shampoo
Rum shampoo is a tonic for hair to remove dandruff. Following is the procedure to prepare it.
- Eggs Zryan 2
- Linseed Oil 2 Tablespoons
- Rum 2 Tablespoons
- Mix all thing and whip them completely.
- Apply to hair and scalp for almost one hour.
- It is useful remedy for dandruff.
[Video: How to Get Fast Growing Hair]
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