Surely you have to meet daily with different people but you hesitate to speak due to the mouth smell. This bad breath is a big cause to lose your confidence to speak with other people. Even you do not speak with yourself alone dye to your bad breath because it is really unbearable. After eating the food, some of the food particles are retained in the mouth which are decomposed by bacteria. This decomposition causes the bad odor in mouth.
Causes of Bad Breath
- Tobacco Products or smoking may leave chemicals in the mouth to produce bad odor.
- Dry Mouth will give a chance to bacteria to perform their action on dead cells to cause bad breath.
- Food particles retained in mouth are used to feed the bacteria.
- Poor dental hygiene will lead to the production of bad breath.
- "Morning breath" is usually a bad breath because bacteria grow easily to the stop in production of saliva.
Best Tips to Cure Bad Breath
One can try to remove this mouth smell with different products but those do not have long lasting effect. There are many best tips which are really useful to cure the bad breath.
1. Get Sweet Smell with Cardamom

Cardamom is naturally produced herb. It has sweet smell to feel. You should keep some cardamom with you every time. Take a pod and insert to mouth with its skin. Crush it slowly with your teeth so that it may release essential oil slowly. Rotate the pod from your one cheek to the other cheek with tongue. Suck it for almost one hour then take it whole inside the body. It has anti oxidant properties to fight the smell producing agents. Surely your mouth will get sweet smell all the time with this process.
2. Avoid Dehydrating

Bacteria acts on the dead cells when you have long intervals between eating or drinking something. Keep your tongue hydrated by drinking water or sipping juices. When you do not eat or drink something for long time then bacteria get an opportunity to perform their action to produce smell in mouth. Therefore, keep eating or drinking something time to time.
3. Use Basil to Perfume your breathe

Basil (Tulsi) is widely used in most of the ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of different ailments. Its leaves have very clear fragrance and good taste to eat. It fragrance can be smelled from a bit distance. If you really want to remove bad breath and want to get fresh mouth then you should eat a few leaves after breakfast everyday.
4. Clean Your Tongue

Everyone want to keep the teeth clean. It is also necessary to keep the tongue clean also because it is a big breeding ground for bacteria to be fed on the food particles. Therefore, keep your tongue clean by scalping it at morning and evening to remove all kinds of food particles and bacteria.
5. Aniseed (Saunf) to cure bad breath

Aniseed are available in its original form or sugar coated form. It can be found easily at every general store. This natural herb has wide use in making essential oils and remedies related to the digestion. It has sweet aromatic smell. You should chew 1 teaspoon of natural aniseed after every lunch and dinner to make you mouth fresh and clean from odor.
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