Stomach fat or Abdominal fat may be irritating in some cases. It may cause many health problems. One may lose his/her self confidence due to this stomach fat because it is enemy of your personality. If you want to wear tight jeans as in the college days then you must remove this abdominal fat. It is not much difficult task but it needs your attention and determination. Following is the description of some reasons for abdominal fat, tips to prevent and exercises to get rid of stomach fat.
>> Stand straight.
>> Move your hands upward and hold both hands with fingers.
>> Bend yourself to left side with your arm straight.
>> keep this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to Initial position.
>> Bend to the right now.
>> Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to initial position.
>> It completes one cycle.
>> Perform 8-10 cycles daily.
>> Lie on the floor on back.
>> Keep your hands straight on floor.
>> Look at ceiling by keeping distance between chest and chin.
>> Lift legs and bend knees to 90 degree.
>> Keep space between your knees and chest.
>> Pull knees in towards chest and hold this position for 2 seconds.
>> Pull knees out back.
>> Then again pull in towards chest.
>> Repeat this for 8-10 times.
>> Lie down on a flat floor with legs together and bend knees.
Reasons for the Stomach Fat
Nothing is without any reason. No doubt abdominal fat has some reasons behind its production. Following are the some reasons for the stomach fat.
>> Genetics: Research has proved that the fat cells which are developed in the body are caused by some genes which were transferred from your parents to you.
>> Over Eating: Some people are fond of eating. If you are one of them and eat more than the sufficient amount then surely you are going to have abdominal fat.
>> Poor Metabolism: Metabolism rate strongly effects your abdominal fat. This rate decreases with the age. With slow metabolism rate, the body store the fat cells. Fast and moderate metabolism does not allow the body to store fats in the body.
>> Stress and Diseases: Stress increase the cortisol level in the body which tends the accumulation of fats around your belly,
>> Hormonal Changes: As a woman, there is increased chances of risk to accumulate fats around the bally during her menopause.
>> Poor Sitting Posture: Lack of practice of proper sitting is also a cause of it. If you always bend on the chair while sitting then you have increased chances of stomach fat.
>> Sedentary Lifestyle: If you do not have some physical tasks and spend most of your time in front of computer or TV then you are in high risk of getting abdominal fat.
>> Sagging Muscles: Saggy muscles around the belly are cause of creating excess stomach fat.
Top Foods to Remove Belly/Abdominal Fat
Nature produced a lot of fruits and vegetables which are beneficial to human. These products or foods have magical effects on your stomach fat. Following are some foods useful for this purpose.
>> Apple: Carib-rich food. Suitable to eat three to four times in a day.
>> Watermelon: Contains 80% water and less amount of calories. Best food to get desired waist line.
>> Avocado: Contains mono unsaturated fatty acids which helps to reduce fats.
>> Beans: Improves digestion. Which means less fat.
>> Almonds: Contains fiber to make you feel full. Rich in Vitamin E.
>> Green Leafy Vegetables: Rich in fiber and help to prevent water retention in the body.
>> Cucumber: Contains higher amount of water and lesser of calories.
Exercises To Reduce Belly/Abdominal Fat
No one can deny the importance of physical exercises. These are beneficial for body and brain. In short the good health lies in the heart of exercises. Following are some exercises which can reduce your fat very effectively.
Walking to Remove Stomach Fat
Walking is the best exercise for beginners. Walk daily for almost 30 minutes continuously in fresh environment which has trees and plants. Take fresh air during walking. Keep smiling and be relax during walk. It will leave magical effects on your health. No doubt, walking is a bit slow exercise to reduce belly fat but it gives the whole body shape. It also makes your metabolism performance better. You will gradually see the best results on your body fitness and health. Walking also has good and healthy effects on heart because it makes the blood circulation very smooth. Long breathe in fresh air is good for lungs.
Jogging to Remove Stomach Fat
No doubt walking is a good exercise for beginners for the purpose of weight loss but jogging is better than walking. After being expert in fast walking art, you can switch it to jogging. Jogging has faster effects than walking. It will remove the excess body fats very easily and speedily. You must develop a habit of jogging at morning or evening for a reasonable duration. This habit will lead you to the best body weight and good health because jogging will break down all the un-necessary fat from your body especially from abdominal area.
Running to Remove Stomach Fat
Running is the cardio exercise which uses the whole body muscles. Externally all of your body parts are on duty during running. Internally, it increases the heart beat rate to meet the need of blood supply to all tissues. Lungs are in working to exchange the air with environment. You can add running exercise into your daily routine tasks if you want to get rid of extra body fats. If you have developed strong habit of running for some time daily then you are going to achieve body fitness because running is the good source of burning extra fats and excess amount of calories which makes your body much fatty.
Side To Side Bending to Remove Belly/Stomach Fat
>> Move your hands upward and hold both hands with fingers.
>> Bend yourself to left side with your arm straight.
>> keep this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to Initial position.
>> Bend to the right now.
>> Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to initial position.
>> It completes one cycle.
>> Perform 8-10 cycles daily.
[Also Read: How To Treat Excess Sweating Problem]
Crunch Exercise to Remove Belly Fat
>> Lie on the floor with face straight to the ceiling.
>> Bend your knees.
>> Bring your hands behind your head.
>> Now move your head to pelvis (stomach).
>> Move your head as far as you can easily.
>> Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to the initial position.
>> Repeat this again.
>> Perform this exercise 5-10 minutes daily to remove stomach fat.
>> Bend your knees.
>> Bring your hands behind your head.
>> Now move your head to pelvis (stomach).
>> Move your head as far as you can easily.
>> Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
>> Come back to the initial position.
>> Repeat this again.
>> Perform this exercise 5-10 minutes daily to remove stomach fat.
Injury may be caused by pushing your head more than sufficient extent.
Reverse Crunch Exercise to Remove Belly/Stomach Fat
>> Keep your hands straight on floor.
>> Look at ceiling by keeping distance between chest and chin.
>> Lift legs and bend knees to 90 degree.
>> Keep space between your knees and chest.
>> Pull knees in towards chest and hold this position for 2 seconds.
>> Pull knees out back.
>> Then again pull in towards chest.
>> Repeat this for 8-10 times.
Side Crunch Exercise to Remove Abdominal Fat
>> Turn at your waist and bring the bent knees to the floor with legs lying on each other.
>> Keep your shoulder flat to the ground.
>> Place your hands behind or beside your head.
>> Keep the shoulder at level (Flat with ground.)
>> Bring the head to abdomen but do not bend your shoulder.
>> Do not force your head with your hands.
>> Hold this position for a moment.
>> Come back to initial position.
>> Change the direction of your legs with this bent position and repeat the process.
[Also Read: How To Remove Make Up Easily]
Twist Crunch Exercise to Remove Belly Fat
>> Lie down on the floor.
>> Keep your legs together.
>> Bend your knees to bring foot towards back.
>> Place your hands beside head.
>> Bring the head to the chest and move to one side with your upper body. (Do not move the lower body)
>> Come back to the initial position.
>> Bring your head again to chest and move to the other side with upper body.
>> It completes one rotation.
>> Perform 8-10 rotations daily.
>> Keep your legs together.
>> Bend your knees to bring foot towards back.
>> Place your hands beside head.
>> Bring the head to the chest and move to one side with your upper body. (Do not move the lower body)
>> Come back to the initial position.
>> Bring your head again to chest and move to the other side with upper body.
>> It completes one rotation.
>> Perform 8-10 rotations daily.
Stomach Vacuum Exercise to Remove Stomach Fat
>> Stand straight.
>> Keep your hands on your hips.
>> Exhale all the air from lungs.
>> Expand the chest.
>> Bring your stomach inside as much as you can.
>> Hold this position for a moment.
>> Be relax.
>> Repeat this process again.
>> Perform this exercise 8-10 times daily to get rid of stomach fat.
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