Sweating is the natural and healthy process. It removes the excess salt and water from the body. It helps to keep the body cool in hot conditions. This process is also occurs during any physical activity like exercise, running etc. The higher condition of tension is also a cause of sweating. No doubt, sweating occurs in the favour of body. But in some persons, excessive sweating occurs which may cause bad odor and uncomfortable condition. Many of the people suffers from this problem. They get excess sweating even after a little physical work. The bacteria present on the body perform actions with this sweating to cause a bad odor. But there is a solution for every problem. So, if you are one of them who face excess sweating then you are at right place.
Best Ways or Remedies to Cure Excessive Sweating
Following simple remedies and life styles are really very useful to get rid of excessive sweating. One must try these remedies to get better results.1. Use of Tomato Juice

- Drink fresh tomato juice everyday.
- Apply it on the body to tighten the pores to reduce sweating.
- Do on of the above remedy until you may feel some change.
2. Passion Flower

Passion Flower is easily available on the medical stores in powered form. If you drink coffee then change your life style by replacing coffee with tea. Drink tea mixed with a few pinches of powdered passion flower. It will reduce the excessive sweating.
3. Take a Bath Daily

Surely you may take a bath daily. It is good and necessary to prevent excessive sweating. Take a bath daily with best anti-bacterial soap. This will reduce the number of bacteria on your body which cause the bad odor with excessive sweating.
4. Use of Tea Bags

It is not necessary that you may face excessive sweating only on under-arms. Many people are facing the problem of excess sweating on their palms.
- Boil one cup of water and some tea bags in it.
- Let it be cool and then soak your palms in it.
5. Mixture of Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

Baking soda is well known to clean the skin. Lemon juice always acts as antiseptic. Their mixture will help to prevent excessive sweating.
- Make the mixture of Lemon Juice and Baking Soda.
- Soak cotton in it and apply on the areas of excessive sweating.
- Repeat this process everyday to get better results.
6. Natural Vinegar

If you really want to get rid of bad odor of sweating the this natural vinegar is the best remedy for you because it greatly reduces the bad odor.
- Take two Teaspoons of Natural Vinegar.
- Take two Teaspoons of raw Apple cider vinegar.
- Mix these well.
- Consume this mixture three times in a day before every meal.
- Moreover, you can apply this mixture of excess sweating areas like under-arms, palms etc.
7. Use Potatoes

Potato is the vegetable which is easily available and widely used due to its health benefits. It also has some benefits for skin.
- Cut potato into slices and rub these on under arms or areas of excessive sweating.
- Perform this action on every alternate day.
8. Herbal Tea

Vitamin B and Magnesium are present in herbal tea which help to prevent the excess sweating and bad odor. Sega tea is the best herbal tea for this purpose.
- Boil Sega tea in hot water.
- Let it be cool to some extent.
- Drink almost 3-4 cups daily.
9. Consume Excess Amount of Water

It sounds a bit strange because it is considered that you may get more sweating after consuming a lot of water. But it is not true. The fact is that you may reduce the sweating by drinking a lot of water. The reason behind it is that excess water keeps the body cool and make the skin hydrated. Therefore, sweating is reduced. Moreover, consumption of excess water will flush out the waste material with urine. In this way there will no odor in the sweating. Drink almost 8-10 glasses or more of water daily.
10. Wheat Grass Juice

Fresh juice extracted from young wheat grass will neutralize the toxic effect of toxins and acids present in the blood. It contains folic acid, Vitamin B-12 and B-6. Drink 1-2 glasses of fresh wheat grass juice to get better results. You will see the great reduction in excess sweating and bad odor.
[Video: The Truth About Excess Sweating]
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