How to lose body weight OR how to remove fat is the most trending problem and question being discussed by almost every person of different ages. No one want to be look fatty. Slim body and normal weight is the dream of everyone. If you are one of them who want to lose their body weight without any side effect, then you are at right place. No doubt, you will have to remain determine because losing body weight is not so easy.
Guggul Herb is the most old herb which is used for many of the remedies. It is recommended by most doctors. Guggul Herb is also used in weight loss. guggul herb extract is obtained from Commiphora mukul tree or the mukul myrrh tree.This extract contains gugglesetrone which is anti-tumor, and cholestrol-lower components. It acts on the thyroid glands of the body. These thyroid glands release some hormones which decide the rate of metabolic reaction to burn the amount of calories in a day. Guggul herb also impacts on the mood to make it good. This herb is 100% safe to use for weight lose.
Herbal remedies for Weight Loss
Weight losing is really a tough task but it is not impossible. with some efforts and right decisions, anyone can lose body weight. Following are some useful herbal remedies which are really effective and easy to use. These remedies are really useful to lose the body weight/Fat.
Grapefruit for Weight Loss
Grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree. Ir is famous for its sour to semi-sweet taste. This fruit can be considered as gift by the nature due to its a number of magical effects and health benefits. Grapefruit works well for weight loss, appetite control and metabolism improvement. It reduces the heart attack risks. It repairs DNA, protects against cancer, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It boosts immune system. It helps to control diabetes. It prevents the kidney stone. It is good for liver cleansing and detoxification. It solves the problems of indigestion and acidity. It also treats gum disease. It is good for skin health. It fights against insomnia
- Have a glass of grapefruit juice in the morning daily to boost the capacity of your liver to burn fats.
- If possible and if you are strongly worried about your fat then drink one glass of its juice before every meal.
- Have a glass of grapefruit juice in the morning daily to boost the capacity of your liver to burn fats.
- If possible and if you are strongly worried about your fat then drink one glass of its juice before every meal.
Guggul Herb Extract
How to Use Guggul Herb Extract
- Guggul Extract is easily available in the form of tablets at every good medical or Health stores.
- Take 75 mg of Guggul Extract.
- Divide it into three parts.
- One part is one dose (25 gm)
- Guggul gum can also be used. Keep 1 gram of gum under your tongue to dissolve it. Do it 4 times a day.
Green Tea For Weight Loss
Green Tea is an excellent tonic for weight loss due to its thermo-genic properties. These properties helps to produce heat in the body to burn extra calories. It is an anti-oxidant agent. Therefore it also helps to detoxify the internal parts of your body. Taking green tea daily is very helpful to cure the body weight.
Its preparation is very easy and simple.
- Take a Green Tea bag.
- Put it in a glass of hot water.
- Let it steep for two minutes.
- Remove Bag.
- Green Tea is Ready.
- Its regular consumption is very effective remedy to lose water weight from body.
- Take 3-4 cups of Green Tea daily.
Yerba Mate Tea for Weight Loss
Yerba Mate Tea is an infusion which is made up of an old and aged plan yerba mate. It is traditional drink of southern America. Yerba Mate tea is basically similar to the coffee but it is called tea due to its health benefits. Yerba mate also contains caffeine which is necessary to gaiin stamina. It contains amino acids, minerals, anti oxidants which helps to lose body weight. This tea helps to increase the metabolic rate which helps to burn the calories in body. It helps to slow down the digestion process to make you feel fuller for longer and consume less calories during the whole day.
How to Make Yerba Mate Tea
- Take Dried Yerba Mate Herb (1 Table Spoon) and Hot but not boiling water (1-2 Table Spoon).
- Keep Yerba mate herb at the bottom of coffee press. (Because it gives space to allow the leaves expand fully and the small particles get filtered through its fine sieve)
- Add water.
- Still and cover.
- Let it steep for 3-5 minutes.
- Get this mixture in a cup.
- Your tea is ready.
Hibiscus Tea for Weight Loss
Hibiscus Tea has some magical effects on the body weight to reduce it. It can be used as cold as well as hot. It seems a bit different because whenever you listen the name "Tea" you imagine something hot. But Hibiscus tea can be taken as cold tea.
Precautions must be taken because if you are pregnant or taking some kind of medications then you should consult with your doctor before taking it.
Following are the two different procedures to make hot and cold tea. Cold tea preparation takes more time as compared to the hot tea.
Preparation of Hot Hibiscus Tea
- Take Hibiscus Petal (2 Tablespoon) + Water (2 Cups) + Honey (Optional)
- Take water in a pot and add Hibiscus petals into it.
- Boil it for 5-10 minutes.
- Strain & add honey if you want. You can add anything else according to your taste.
- Enjoy this hibiscus tea.
Preparation of Cold Hibiscus Tea
- Take Hibiscus Fresh Flowers (1 Cup) + Water (8 Cups) + Honey (Optional)
- Separate its peals and keep on a paper. Keep it for some days to let the petals dry.
- Take one cup of these dried petals and soak them in water for 1-2 days in refrigerator.
- This is your cold hibiscus tea.
- Take one cup of this mixture and add honey (If you want) to it.
- Enjoy the cold hibiscus tea.
- It may be converted into hot hibiscus tea by heating this cold tea in a stove or in microwave oven.
Ginseng Tea For Body Weight Loss
Ginseng is the one of the most slow growing plant. It has fleshy roots. It is found in Eastern Asia and North America. Over centuries, Ginseng is considered as an important part of chinese Traditional Medicine to get stamina and energy in China. It makes the body cells lesser capable of storing fats. Modern researches proved that Ginseng is widely used to lose the body weight very efficiently. It will increase your metabolism rate so that whenever you eat then your body will capable to store less fats. Moreover, it will fill you with energy and stamina to keep you active and healthy during the whole day.
Preparation of Ginseng Tea
- Get dried ginseng roots (4 Tablespoons) + Water (4 Cups) + Honey (1-2 Tablespoons) + Cinnamon (1/2 Tablespoon)
- Boil the water.
- Add ginseng roots into it.
- Boil for one hour.
- Strain (چھاننا)the mixture.
- Add Honey to reduce the bitter after taste.
- Add cinnamon to have some fragrance.
- Drink 2 cups daily. One in morning and one after lunch.
Pu-Erh Tea for Body Weight Loss
Pu-Erh is really very old and aged plant. In fact this name is due to the village "Pu-Erh" in China where this plant was cultivated for the very first time almost 2000 years ago. It is another marvelous plant for body weight loss. Pu-Erh tea stimulates the spleen and makes it healthy. This healthy spleen stimulates the human digestive system which helps the body to absorb more food and store less fats. Moreover, it will boost your metabolism so that the body may burn more fats and more calories to reduce the overall weight of a fatty body. Pu-Erh can be obtained from forest or any other garden. Now it is also available in beautiful packing at different shops.
Preparation of Pu-Erh Tea
- Take Pu-Erh leaves (1 Tablespoon) + Hot water (2 Cups)
- Place leaves in a tea pot and put a little hot water in it.
- It will rinse off so that you may remove any impurities. Discard this water.
- Add rest hot water into it after removing impurities.
- Let steep for 2 minutes.
- Strain (چھاننا) and drink.
Tips/Precautions to Take Pu-Erh Tea
- Set a specific time to take this herbal tea otherwise it will gain weight instead of losing.
- Drink Ripened Pu-Erh tea in morning, then Raw Pu-Erh tea after lunch, then Ripened Pu-Erh tea after dinner. (You can use only Ripened Pu-Erh Tea aslo)
- It is better to replace all of your drinks (Teas, coffees, soups) with Pu-Erh tea if it is all about to lose weight completely.
Prickly Pear for Weight Loss
Sometimes Prickly Pear used is called "Indian fig" when it is used as weight loss medicine. It is used to cure the many of the problems such like high cholesterol level, diabetes and obesity as well. It makes the body lose weight naturally because it controls the sugar level and give good supply of antioxidants due to which body body tends to lose weight. Prickly pear can be used as a fruit and as juice as well. It contains the handsome amount of fibers which not only helps in body weight lose but also make the body retain less water which reduces the chances of water fat of the body.
How to Make Prickly Pear Juice
- Get Prickly Pear fruit (4)
- Cut the both ends of the fruit and the cut a slit down its body.
- Peel off its skin so that you may see its pulp and lots of seeds.
- Put it into blender to get its juice.
- Strain the juice with sieve and remove any of the seeds into juice.
- You may get one cup of the juice with these four fruits.