No one like double chin or chin fat. You are one of them who want to get rid of their double chin problem. Don't worry because now you are the right place to find out the solution of this problem. Here, some home remedies and effective exercises are described which are really easy to perform to say good bye to this problem.
Causes of Chin Fat
Following are the main reasons of double chin problem.
- Obesity is the name of being overweight. It surely cause double chin problem. It is essential to remove overall weight to get rid of chin fat.
- Heredity means the transfer of genes from parents to the offspring. These genes decide the amount and place of weight on your body. It does not mean that you cannot get rid of this problem, Some certain lifestyle changes will help to remove this problem.
- Aging is the factor in all sort of humans which cannot be stopped. But one can bring delay in aging by applying some certain changes in their life style,
Life Style Changes to Remove Chin Fat

Some life style changes may help you to remove the double chin problem.
- Walking, running, swimming, dancing, cycling all are cardiovascular exercises. Do one of them daily for half hour or 4 times in a week.
- Avoid foods with saturated fats, sugar and cholesterol.
- Eat foods with healthy food such as oily fish, nuts avocado etc.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Do strength training by lifting weight.
- Drink lots of water to avoid water retention.
Home Remedies for Double chin
Following are some home remedies which are easy and effective to lose the chin fat (Double chin).
1. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is skin friendly element. Sometime skin fat is caused by aging due to sagging of the skin. In this case, vitamin E oil is best tonic because it produces the elasticity in the skin.
- Get Vitamin E oil.
- Gently massage your neck area.
- Starting from lower end of neck to upward to the chin, making upward strokes.
- Do it daily for few minutes.
2. Egg White

Make your skin tighten with egg white is also a best remedy to get rid of double chin. Egg white has this quality to make skin tighten because it contains collagen protein which gives the skin elasticity and flexibility.
- Egg white of one egg
- Apply its one layer to the skin area.
- Allow it it be dry.
- Wash with lukewarm water.
- Do this daily for 3-4 minutes for a week.
- It will produce better results.
3. Green Tea to Reduce Double Chin

Green Tea is the most popular remedy due to its unique properties. It contains the pantothenic acid to reduce the retaining water. It boosts metabolism to lose the fat very fast.
- Have 3-4 cups of green tea daily.
- Take a green tea bag, dip in water, wait a few minutes, remove its excess water, and put this bag on your chin while lying down.
4, Milk for Chin Fat

Milk contains lots of nutrients which are helpful for health. It can be used to remove double chin.
Milk can be used in two ways to remove this problem.
- Apply milk on your skin area, Leave for some time and wash with lukewarm water.
- Other way is to make a paste by mixing milk and honey. Apply this mask to neck and chin area. wait for 15-20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Repeat it daily.
Exercises To Lose Chin Fat
Following are some easy and useful exercises to lose chin fat.
1. Chew Gum
Chewing gum is the best exercise which does not demand any extra amount of time. When you chew the gum, the muscles of your jaws and neck moves continuously. This movement tones these muscles. Develop a habit of chewing gum for few minutes daily. Take sugar free gum so that you may avoid the body weight increase due to sugar.
2. Lift Your Head Exercise
- Lie on bed with face upward, hanging head on the edge of bed.
- Lift your head gently to bring it forward to your chest without bending the shoulders.
- Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.
- Come back to the original position and repeat again.
- Sit relax and repeat again for two times.
- If you are unable to hang the head then avoid this exercise.
3. Pucker Up Exercise
- Stand straight & keep your both arms downward straight.
- Move your head to the upward.
- Pucker your lisps as you are kissing the ceiling.
- Hold this position for 5-6 seconds.
- Relax.
- Come to the normal position.
- Do this for 18-20 times.
4. Lower Lip Exercise
- Sit or Stand straight.
- Stick out your lower lip and bring it forward as far as you can.
- Hold for a few seconds.
- In this position, lower your chin to touch your chest.
- Don not bend your back. Hold for a few seconds.
- Come to the original normal position.
- Repeat it for 18-20 times.